Bride Analyser update
(too old to reply)
2020-03-09 06:32:47 UTC
“Bridge Analyser” (correct spelling) is a bridge playing, deal modifying and repeating, statistics reporting (by text and graph), and database accumulating MS Windows specific program from the UK.

It is unusual in having bridge suit length descriptive stats for void suits through to all suits 7 cards, or more, for all four hand directions. This is four times as detailed as the more usual hand shape descriptive stats.

It happens that 0, 2, 4, and 6 card suit lengths total to a tiny fraction less then 50/50 expected occurrence probability. As such, this totaling is not subject to the limitations of probability dependence. Any resulting stat evaluations are valid to the degree they are mathematically correct.

I previously concluded Bridge Analyser’s native dealing was subject to some excessive bias. With the program author’s assistance, I was able to find an extra 9 in my expected probability reference value, as well as his assisting my conclusion logic, and it now the case that Bridge Analyser’s bridge dealing is unbiased, and standard normally distributed, throughout 100 hand records of 10,000 deals each. That totals to 16,000,000 sampling units supporting this conclusion.

Bridge Analyser also has the (so far) unique ability to input random decimals and produce up to 1,000 bridge deals each pass. This means it can take random decimals from any source, and determine if they are unbiased.

For me, Bridge Analyser is the first demonstrated “fair dealing bridge deck.” I am relieved that such a program can be achieved without recourse to an infinite random number source.

Bridge Analyser costs money. 44.95 Pounds Sterling at this time. But it does have a 28 day free trial version for those of you who might have wondered about your random decimal numbers source, and want to do an exploratory check.

I have no connection whatsoever with Bridge Analyser, or its author. I am merely an occasional user and experimenter with it for about twenty years.

John Hall
2020-03-09 10:41:32 UTC
Post by Douglas
“Bridge Analyser” (correct spelling) is a bridge playing, deal
modifying and repeating, statistics reporting (by text and graph), and
database accumulating MS Windows specific program from the UK.

Talking about correct spelling, the thread title of "Bride Analyser
update" really piqued my interest. :)
John Hall
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Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)