Sandy Barnes
2017-01-27 01:08:22 UTC
This is the auction, at favorable
KQxx AJx
xxx Ax
AKJxx xx
x AKT9xx
east west
-- 1C
1D 2C
2S 3H
4D 4S
Comment on the bidding if you want to. Anyway the opening lead is a little heart. You choose to win the Ace and then you play the Ace and the King of diamonds. RHO plays the Q of diamonds. on the second diamond. How do you play the hand and WHY? Do you agree with the first 3 tricks?
KQxx AJx
xxx Ax
AKJxx xx
x AKT9xx
east west
-- 1C
1D 2C
2S 3H
4D 4S
Comment on the bidding if you want to. Anyway the opening lead is a little heart. You choose to win the Ace and then you play the Ace and the King of diamonds. RHO plays the Q of diamonds. on the second diamond. How do you play the hand and WHY? Do you agree with the first 3 tricks?