Post by Douglas NewlandsPost by P***@yahoo.comMatchpoint Pairs, Favorable Vulnerability
You are in third seat, and partner opens 1C. You play "standard 2/1," with inverted minors (forcing through 2N) and you also play Splinter.
S: 5
H: A2
D: KJ953
C: K8654
What is your response?
How many clubs does 1C show?
I'm intending bidding 1D then 3C but and interested
in how the 2C responders see it going since that seems to suppress the
diamond suit.
I'm used to playing an inverted minor where opener's
first rebid distinguishes between minimums and extras.
In that case I have no problem at match points raising
to 2C, consigning the hand to a club part score if opener
is minimum, and showing the diamonds as a fragment or
better, if partner has extras. This reserves the delayed
club raise for a hand, just short of a SJS with the likes
of AKJxx of diamonds as well as club support.
However, I think the poster's partnership shows major suit
stoppers first. This this may be reasonable playing a
15 to 17 notrump, but makes 2C on this hand very awkward.
Therefore, in that partnership the delayed raise must be
made with weaker diamonds.