2017-05-15 21:58:47 UTC
This hand came up earlier this evening, on which every South player asked for help:
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North South
KT876542 AQ9
- QJ93
J96 AK8
On several tables, after a pass by West, North opened 4S which is where the South's didn't know what to do. I tried my best to get them to picture the type of hand North would have for this bid, that there are likely eight spades headed by the king, and combined with the strength of the South hand there is a high chance of 12 tricks off the top, as long as there are not two losers off the top (two aces or HAK). Hence I suggested bidding Blackwood, followed by bidding 6S with one ace opposite, 7S with two aces opposite (they have no clue about cue bidding controls, so I didn't go there). As you can see, thanks to Norths heart void 7S is cold. How do you think the bidding should go? Would you open the North hand 4S, or start with 1S?
Game all
North South
KT876542 AQ9
- QJ93
J96 AK8
On several tables, after a pass by West, North opened 4S which is where the South's didn't know what to do. I tried my best to get them to picture the type of hand North would have for this bid, that there are likely eight spades headed by the king, and combined with the strength of the South hand there is a high chance of 12 tricks off the top, as long as there are not two losers off the top (two aces or HAK). Hence I suggested bidding Blackwood, followed by bidding 6S with one ace opposite, 7S with two aces opposite (they have no clue about cue bidding controls, so I didn't go there). As you can see, thanks to Norths heart void 7S is cold. How do you think the bidding should go? Would you open the North hand 4S, or start with 1S?