How do you run this suit ?
(too old to reply)
Dave Flower
2017-04-26 18:17:13 UTC
At Towcester last night we were defending 3NT on an uninformative auction (effectively 1NT 2NT 3NT).

This was the lie of the club suit:
6 5 4
A Q 8 K J 10 7 3
9 2

East was on lead at trick 3, with no side entry.
Looking at all four hands, cashing five tricks is trivial, but in the real world I cannot see how it can be achieved.

Any comments ?

Dave Flower
Jeff Miller
2017-04-26 23:40:39 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
At Towcester last night we were defending 3NT on an uninformative auction (effectively 1NT 2NT 3NT).
6 5 4
A Q 8 K J 10 7 3
9 2
East was on lead at trick 3, with no side entry.
Looking at all four hands, cashing five tricks is trivial, but in the real world I cannot see how it can be achieved.
Any comments ?
Dave Flower
Playing 10 as 0 or 2 higher, it could be done. East leads the 10, and west works out to overtake because declarer would surely cover with KJx.
2017-04-27 14:09:28 UTC
Post by Jeff Miller
Post by Dave Flower
At Towcester last night we were defending 3NT on an uninformative auction (effectively 1NT 2NT 3NT).
6 5 4
A Q 8 K J 10 7 3
9 2
East was on lead at trick 3, with no side entry.
Looking at all four hands, cashing five tricks is trivial, but in the real world I cannot see how it can be achieved.
Any comments ?
Dave Flower
Playing 10 as 0 or 2 higher, it could be done. East leads the 10, and west works out to overtake because declarer would surely cover with KJx.
This is the style of many of the stronger pairs.

2017-04-27 04:24:54 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
At Towcester last night we were defending 3NT on an uninformative auction (effectively 1NT 2NT 3NT).
6 5 4
A Q 8 K J 10 7 3
9 2
East was on lead at trick 3, with no side entry.
Looking at all four hands, cashing five tricks is trivial, but in the real world I cannot see how it can be achieved.
Any comments ?
Dave Flower
I assume South is declarer ,west led some other suit and east got in on trick 3 .Even in standard leads if East leads the J this frequently shows Kj10xx so I as west would overtake with the Q (unblocking ) cash my A and lead the 8 .What am I missing ? smn
Eddie Grove
2017-04-27 05:17:33 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
At Towcester last night we were defending 3NT on an uninformative auction (effectively 1NT 2NT 3NT).
6 5 4
A Q 8 K J 10 7 3
9 2
East was on lead at trick 3, with no side entry.
Looking at all four hands, cashing five tricks is trivial, but in the real world I cannot see how it can be achieved.
Any comments ?
Presumably East needs to show his entry is the CK. I'd lead a low club.

The usual point of leading the J is to pick up Qxx, but then we are only
taking two tricks in the suit. Leading low sets up a trick for
declarer's Qxx if partner does not have C9 and the ability to place
declarer with CQ, but if we can't take 3 tricks outside this suit that
may not matter.

2017-04-27 13:13:55 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
At Towcester last night we were defending 3NT on an uninformative auction (effectively 1NT 2NT 3NT).
6 5 4
A Q 8 K J 10 7 3
9 2
East was on lead at trick 3, with no side entry.
Looking at all four hands, cashing five tricks is trivial, but in the real world I cannot see how it can be achieved.
Any comments ?
Dave Flower
While most players seem to be count freaks, I
like attitude leads. My East would lead the
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