Post by Keith KeithRHO, dealer: 1N, me( E) Double, LHO Pass, Patner Pass. I put opening
lead on table, face down and ask "any questions", as there were none I
faced my lead and dummy laid down their hand. Whilst writing the
contract on my score card partner also faced their hand. What is the
This happened once when I was directing on the novice evening at my
local club. I'm not sure if I correctly remember what I did (I did look
up the ruling), but it was something like this:
The cards incorrectly laid down by your partner become penalty cards.
Whenever you are on lead, declarer has the following options:
1) Asking for the lead of one of the suits with a penalty card;
2) Forbid the lead of a suit with penalty cards.
3) allow you to lead what you like.
In the first two cases, the penalty cards in that suit are picked up and
cease to be penalty cards. In the third option, the cards remain penalty
cards. When it is your partners turn to play to a trick and has to
follow in a suit with penalty cards, or has to discard, declarer can
designate which penalty card must be played. If your partner gains the
lead, declarer can designate which penalty card he must lead. If your
partner managed to put his/her entire hand on the table then declarer is
effectively playing your partners hand as a second dummy.