Tuesday hand (4), what do I do with this?!
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Adam Lea
2017-02-24 00:08:50 UTC
Teams, Benj Acol, weak NT, no-one vuln.

T9754 A
T65 K742
84 KJ5
Q95 KJ763

1C P P
X 1H 4S(!) AP

A rather freak hand I held, and is a good example of how I need to slow
down a bit and think things through more rather than being too rash. At
the time I thought partner is highly likely to have at least three
spades given the double, so thought I would bid what I think I can make,
assuming spade support. It didn't quite work like that though, as
partner has only two spades and they are 5-1, so that was two down. Only
two imps out this time, as at the other table they went one down in 3NT
(I have no idea how they got there).

Afterwards I had a think about this hand. If I am holding 5 HCP and LHO
cannot hold more than 5 HCP for her pass, that means there are a minimum
of 30 HCP between North and East. This means it is virtually certain
that partner's double is based on a hand too strong to bid her suit or
NT, therefore if I respond 2D she isn't going to pass, and I can bid my
spades twice if I have the opportunity. This gets the hand off my chest
and gives partner multiple game options, rather than me punting
something rashly. Too late to work it out afterwards, I need to take it
easy when holding hands like this with big distribution but weak in HCP,
and try and work out what is the most likely layout around the table.
2017-02-24 10:43:06 UTC
At nil vul you cant find a 2 suited overcall with a 5-6 shape? Really? Anyway I would be delighted to be in 4s. 4s is as cold as anything. To guard against a bad split lead the first s from dummy.
Adam Lea
2017-02-24 23:51:13 UTC
Post by Player
At nil vul you cant find a 2 suited overcall with a 5-6 shape? Really? Anyway I would be delighted to be in 4s. 4s is as cold as anything. To guard against a bad split lead the first s from dummy.
4S is not cold. Deep Finesse says nine tricks are the limit, I assume
because you can get forced enough that you are cut off from enjoying the
long diamonds (I haven't looked at it in depth).

I didn't think about a two suited overcall at the time. Playing CRO, it
would have been 3C (the two suits either side of opener).
2017-02-25 09:58:43 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Post by Player
At nil vul you cant find a 2 suited overcall with a 5-6 shape? Really? Anyway I would be delighted to be in 4s. 4s is as cold as anything. To guard against a bad split lead the first s from dummy.
4S is not cold. Deep Finesse says nine tricks are the limit, I assume
because you can get forced enough that you are cut off from enjoying the
long diamonds (I haven't looked at it in depth).
I didn't think about a two suited overcall at the time. Playing CRO, it
would have been 3C (the two suits either side of opener).
Only not on a C lead, Adam. On this bidding in the real world you are likely to get a H lead.
Steve Willner
2017-03-02 02:47:07 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Teams, Benj Acol, weak NT, no-one vuln.
T9754 A
T65 K742
84 KJ5
Q95 KJ763
1C P P
X 1H 4S(!) AP
If South has a two-suited bid over 1C to show these suits, it seems
automatic to use it. My worry would be failing to preempt high enough.

Not having a two-suited bid myself, I'd be in the position of deciding
how many diamonds to bid. All of 2, 3, and 4 would be worth
considering, and the choice would depend on who partner and the
opponents are. (I'd be bidding higher against better opponents.)

If I were somehow forced to pass on the first round, 2D on the second
round stands out. Let's see where partner is going and whether I can
get both suits in. The objective is to buy the contract in one of my
suits. With this much shape and no high cards, I am not at all worried
that the auction will die in 2D.

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