Post by r***@ntlworld.comAuction : 1C (1D) 1H (2D)
X (3D) X
System 4 card M, weak NT, what does final X mean?
If the first double is penalty, then the second is obviously also
penalty (perhaps relying on the opener's values). That's probably not
how this bidding system works, though.
If the first double is takeout (which must surely guarantee 4 spades
in this context), then the second double is still penalty (because the
opener's hand is too well described for the responder to need to ask
about the suit; a responder with spades could just bid them, so the
responder must have either values or diamonds).
If the first double shows values (probably a balanced 15-17 with clubs
in this case), I can see a reasonable bidding system defining the
double here to mean "I also have spades, what you do think about
those?". I doubt that that can be pure takeout, though; the opener
has pretty much denied having 5 clubs and a 4-card side suit (otherwise
they'd have shown their values and shape simultaneously using a
reverse), unless their side suit is diamonds. So any double here is at
least giving the opener the option of a penalty, even if it shows
spades as well. However, 4 clubs, 4 spades, 3 diamonds, 2 hearts is a
possibility from opener (with 3 hearts the opener would probably have
supported the responder), so an optional double that caters to that sort
of hand in addition to the hands with diamonds would be a viable
agreement in this situation.
For me, though, the "default" meaning here is penalty regardless of what
the bidding up to it means (the agreement I have with my partners is
that after three different suits have been bid, doubles can only be
takeout if we've specifically agreed in advance that they're takeout
in that specific situation, and are otherwise penalty by default).
Having a standard metaconvention like this is useful to know what your
doubles mean in weird auctions!