a few hands from Friday evening, what can I learn?
(too old to reply)
Adam Lea
2017-02-19 00:15:07 UTC
Another night of bridge, another bad score, cross-imps this time. I felt
the score of nearly -20 imps was rather lower than we deserved, given it
one of those evenings where partner and I seemed largely to do sensible
things. We only got two big minus scores out of 24 boards but leaked
imps on many others, only 2-4 per board but that accumulates over the
evening. We struggled to get any significant swings in.

This board was the worst. I'm not sure whether to put it down to bad
luck or whether I was too aggressive (trying to play matchpoints
tactics, not imps)

System was 5 card majors, short club, 15-17NT.

KT74 Q63
AK95 Q742
- A9853
T8743 9

E/W vuln
1D P 2D X
P 2H P P

At this point, I felt my choices were pass or 3D. I'm thinking I have a
better than minimum hand, the opponents likely have 8 hearts between
them, we have at least 8 diamonds between us and so by law of total
tricks, if 2H makes, 3D shouldn't be more than one off. If 2H goes off,
3D has good chances. Hence I decided to bid 3D. This turned out to be
tragically wrong. LHO doubled, and thanks to the 5-0 diamond break, a
LHO who knew to lead trumps at every opportunity, and the clubs 5-1 so I
can't enjoy four club tricks, I go three off (although I can get out for
two off, but that isn't much better). -500, 10.5 imps out. Three pairs
making 1NT by North (almost all the room is playing a weak NT), a couple
of EWs in hearts making 8 or 9 tricks, and one pair allowed to play 2D
going one off. Was my reasoning totally wrong here?

A9832 KQ765
874 32
K 982
AQ63 T95

E/W vuln
1H 1S
3H 3S AP

3H intended as invitational. Not a good result. 4H is cold for NS, and
apart from one other pair in 3S everyone else was in diamonds or the
heart game. 8 imps out. How should the bidding have gone?

K9865 A72
Q53 J
95 Q87642

E/W vuln
1D 2C AP

A vulnerable overcall on a flimsy suit results in all the club honors
onside for declarer, so 2C makes with an overtrick, but NS have 2H on.
That was 4.8 imps out. Again, only one other pair is playing in 2C, one
pair is in 1NT by N and three others are in a H contract. To me it looks
like we have been fixed on this one (again, the strong NT in a weak NT
field fails), but I'd be interested in what you think.
Lorne Anderson
2017-02-19 11:57:08 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Another night of bridge, another bad score, cross-imps this time. I felt
the score of nearly -20 imps was rather lower than we deserved, given it
one of those evenings where partner and I seemed largely to do sensible
things. We only got two big minus scores out of 24 boards but leaked
imps on many others, only 2-4 per board but that accumulates over the
evening. We struggled to get any significant swings in.
This board was the worst. I'm not sure whether to put it down to bad
luck or whether I was too aggressive (trying to play matchpoints
tactics, not imps)
System was 5 card majors, short club, 15-17NT.
KT74 Q63
AK95 Q742
- A9853
T8743 9
E/W vuln
1D P 2D X
P 2H P P
At this point, I felt my choices were pass or 3D. I'm thinking I have a
better than minimum hand, the opponents likely have 8 hearts between
them, we have at least 8 diamonds between us and so by law of total
tricks, if 2H makes, 3D shouldn't be more than one off. If 2H goes off,
3D has good chances. Hence I decided to bid 3D. This turned out to be
tragically wrong. LHO doubled, and thanks to the 5-0 diamond break, a
LHO who knew to lead trumps at every opportunity, and the clubs 5-1 so I
can't enjoy four club tricks, I go three off (although I can get out for
two off, but that isn't much better). -500, 10.5 imps out. Three pairs
making 1NT by North (almost all the room is playing a weak NT), a couple
of EWs in hearts making 8 or 9 tricks, and one pair allowed to play 2D
going one off. Was my reasoning totally wrong here?
Your error is that you waited for the oppo to exchange info and know
what double meant before deciding to bid or pass. After W doubles is
the time to decide - with a weak NT I think pass is right but if you
think you are worth 3D do it now - do not wait as they now know whether
to pass, double or bid 3H. If you bid 3D over the double E will
probably bid 3H or pass in the hope partner reopens but he can't double
for penalties as nearly everybody plays that double as responsive (ie
pick your best mjor) and W will never reopen with a dodgy 10 count.
Post by Adam Lea
A9832 KQ765
874 32
K 982
AQ63 T95
E/W vuln
1H 1S
3H 3S AP
3H intended as invitational. Not a good result. 4H is cold for NS, and
apart from one other pair in 3S everyone else was in diamonds or the
heart game. 8 imps out. How should the bidding have gone?
For me 3H shows a weak hand with 4 trumps. 2S is the bid to invite
game. If you play fit bids 3D would also be an invite with 4H+5D and
lets partner value his diamonds if not sure - that would work here but
with only 3 trumps and a slightly weaker diamond suit than I would want
I think 2S is the bid.
Post by Adam Lea
K9865 A72
Q53 J
95 Q87642
E/W vuln
1D 2C AP
A vulnerable overcall on a flimsy suit results in all the club honors
onside for declarer, so 2C makes with an overtrick, but NS have 2H on.
That was 4.8 imps out. Again, only one other pair is playing in 2C, one
pair is in 1NT by N and three others are in a H contract. To me it looks
like we have been fixed on this one (again, the strong NT in a weak NT
field fails), but I'd be interested in what you think.
You were stuffed, especially in a weak NT field where E/W are unlikely
to bid at other tables. Having said that a risky double by S would work
well as you get to find the heart fit but you need the skills to play
4-3 spade fits well to take those risks on such thin values.
Adam Lea
2017-02-19 12:57:18 UTC
Post by Lorne Anderson
Post by Adam Lea
Another night of bridge, another bad score, cross-imps this time. I felt
the score of nearly -20 imps was rather lower than we deserved, given it
one of those evenings where partner and I seemed largely to do sensible
things. We only got two big minus scores out of 24 boards but leaked
imps on many others, only 2-4 per board but that accumulates over the
evening. We struggled to get any significant swings in.
This board was the worst. I'm not sure whether to put it down to bad
luck or whether I was too aggressive (trying to play matchpoints
tactics, not imps)
System was 5 card majors, short club, 15-17NT.
KT74 Q63
AK95 Q742
- A9853
T8743 9
E/W vuln
1D P 2D X
P 2H P P
At this point, I felt my choices were pass or 3D. I'm thinking I have a
better than minimum hand, the opponents likely have 8 hearts between
them, we have at least 8 diamonds between us and so by law of total
tricks, if 2H makes, 3D shouldn't be more than one off. If 2H goes off,
3D has good chances. Hence I decided to bid 3D. This turned out to be
tragically wrong. LHO doubled, and thanks to the 5-0 diamond break, a
LHO who knew to lead trumps at every opportunity, and the clubs 5-1 so I
can't enjoy four club tricks, I go three off (although I can get out for
two off, but that isn't much better). -500, 10.5 imps out. Three pairs
making 1NT by North (almost all the room is playing a weak NT), a couple
of EWs in hearts making 8 or 9 tricks, and one pair allowed to play 2D
going one off. Was my reasoning totally wrong here?
Your error is that you waited for the oppo to exchange info and know
what double meant before deciding to bid or pass. After W doubles is
the time to decide - with a weak NT I think pass is right but if you
think you are worth 3D do it now - do not wait as they now know whether
to pass, double or bid 3H. If you bid 3D over the double E will
probably bid 3H or pass in the hope partner reopens but he can't double
for penalties as nearly everybody plays that double as responsive (ie
pick your best mjor) and W will never reopen with a dodgy 10 count.
Good point. I guess I was waiting to see if opps settled in 2H or went
looking for game themselves, in which case it won't be our hand. I
didn't think of the possibility of being double for penalties and going
three off when we had a decent 8 card fit. My partner thinks she should
have responded 1NT instead of 2D but I think 2D was fine.
Post by Lorne Anderson
Post by Adam Lea
A9832 KQ765
874 32
K 982
AQ63 T95
E/W vuln
1H 1S
3H 3S AP
3H intended as invitational. Not a good result. 4H is cold for NS, and
apart from one other pair in 3S everyone else was in diamonds or the
heart game. 8 imps out. How should the bidding have gone?
For me 3H shows a weak hand with 4 trumps. 2S is the bid to invite
game. If you play fit bids 3D would also be an invite with 4H+5D and
lets partner value his diamonds if not sure - that would work here but
with only 3 trumps and a slightly weaker diamond suit than I would want
I think 2S is the bid.
I have played it like that with other partners. I'll discuss this with
my current partner as I prefer to have jump raises in competition as
pre-emptive and cue bids as constructive. 2S may have still been
countered by 3S from East, will never know for sure.
Lorne Anderson
2017-02-20 15:11:14 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Good point. I guess I was waiting to see if opps settled in 2H or went
looking for game themselves, in which case it won't be our hand.
But if they do have game then 3D may put them off or if doubled will
usually be a good score.
2017-02-19 20:52:16 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Another night of bridge, another bad score, cross-imps this time. I felt
the score of nearly -20 imps was rather lower than we deserved, given it
one of those evenings where partner and I seemed largely to do sensible
things. We only got two big minus scores out of 24 boards but leaked
imps on many others, only 2-4 per board but that accumulates over the
evening. We struggled to get any significant swings in.
This board was the worst. I'm not sure whether to put it down to bad
luck or whether I was too aggressive (trying to play matchpoints
tactics, not imps)
System was 5 card majors, short club, 15-17NT.
KT74 Q63
AK95 Q742
- A9853
T8743 9
E/W vuln
1D P 2D X
P 2H P P
At this point, I felt my choices were pass or 3D. I'm thinking I have a
better than minimum hand, the opponents likely have 8 hearts between
them, we have at least 8 diamonds between us and so by law of total
tricks, if 2H makes, 3D shouldn't be more than one off. If 2H goes off,
3D has good chances. Hence I decided to bid 3D. This turned out to be
tragically wrong. LHO doubled, and thanks to the 5-0 diamond break, a
LHO who knew to lead trumps at every opportunity, and the clubs 5-1 so I
can't enjoy four club tricks, I go three off (although I can get out for
two off, but that isn't much better). -500, 10.5 imps out. Three pairs
making 1NT by North (almost all the room is playing a weak NT), a couple
of EWs in hearts making 8 or 9 tricks, and one pair allowed to play 2D
going one off. Was my reasoning totally wrong here?
Most 2/1 partnerships play inverted minor raises. Therefore the auction would start 1D-p-1NT-?. Whenever opponents make the 'right' bids, you usually will receive a poor score. If they find hearts, you get a bad board. Lorne is right that immediately bidding 3D is better than waiting. It may be difficult for opponents to penalty double you. The double may sound responsive. Cohen neglected to warn readers that LoTT doesn't work when trumps split 5-0.
Adam Lea
2017-02-19 21:26:35 UTC
Post by jogs
Most 2/1 partnerships play inverted minor raises. Therefore the auction would start 1D-p-1NT-?. Whenever opponents make the 'right' bids, you usually will receive a poor score. If they find hearts, you get a bad board. Lorne is right that immediately bidding 3D is better than waiting. It may be difficult for opponents to penalty double you. The double may sound responsive. Cohen neglected to warn readers that LoTT doesn't work when trumps split 5-0.
We didn't play inverted minor raises (and we are not playing 2/1
either). Unfortunately I don't know at the auction stage the trumps will
be 5-0 so whilst tricks will likely be less than trumps in that
situation, it's not really helpful as I don't have that information at
the time I need to make the decision. I'll bear in mind in the future in
competitive auctions that if I am thinking of raising, do it sooner
rather than later.
2017-02-20 01:07:43 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Post by jogs
Most 2/1 partnerships play inverted minor raises. Therefore the auction would start 1D-p-1NT-?. Whenever opponents make the 'right' bids, you usually will receive a poor score. If they find hearts, you get a bad board. Lorne is right that immediately bidding 3D is better than waiting. It may be difficult for opponents to penalty double you. The double may sound responsive. Cohen neglected to warn readers that LoTT doesn't work when trumps split 5-0.
We didn't play inverted minor raises (and we are not playing 2/1
either). Unfortunately I don't know at the auction stage the trumps will
be 5-0 so whilst tricks will likely be less than trumps in that
situation, it's not really helpful as I don't have that information at
the time I need to make the decision. I'll bear in mind in the future in
competitive auctions that if I am thinking of raising, do it sooner
rather than later.
None of us know that trumps will be 5-0 til they double for penalties. The immediate raise makes it tougher for them to know the double is clearly for penalties.
2017-02-19 20:59:38 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
A9832 KQ765
874 32
K 982
AQ63 T95
E/W vuln
1H 1S
3H 3S AP
3H intended as invitational. Not a good result. 4H is cold for NS, and
apart from one other pair in 3S everyone else was in diamonds or the
heart game. 8 imps out. How should the bidding have gone?
Few writers provide details for negative doubles for every sequence. I believe for 1H-1S, and 1S-2H the double should NOT mean 'I have minors'.

1H-1S-2S : 4 card+ heart support, forcing to game.
1H-1S-X : 3 card heart support limit or better.
With minors and not willing to force to game, just pass unless 1NT is available.
2017-02-20 15:54:37 UTC
Post by jogs
Post by Adam Lea
A9832 KQ765
874 32
K 982
AQ63 T95
E/W vuln
1H 1S
3H 3S AP
3H intended as invitational. Not a good result. 4H is cold for NS, and
apart from one other pair in 3S everyone else was in diamonds or the
heart game. 8 imps out. How should the bidding have gone?
Few writers provide details for negative doubles for every sequence. I believe for 1H-1S, and 1S-2H the double should NOT mean 'I have minors'.
1H-1S-2S : 4 card+ heart support, forcing to game.
1H-1S-X : 3 card heart support limit or better.
With minors and not willing to force to game, just pass unless 1NT is available.
Apparently, you define "negative double" to mean any takeout double of direct-seat overcall of an opening bid.

To me, saying a so-called negative double of 1H - (1S) - ? has no relation to minors is like saying that green paint is really purple when applied to a north-facing wall.

2017-02-20 18:21:34 UTC
Post by ***@verizon.net
Post by jogs
Few writers provide details for negative doubles for every sequence. I believe for 1H-1S, and 1S-2H the double should NOT mean 'I have minors'.
1H-1S-2S : 4 card+ heart support, forcing to game.
1H-1S-X : 3 card heart support limit or better.
With minors and not willing to force to game, just pass unless 1NT is available.
Apparently, you define "negative double" to mean any takeout double of direct-seat overcall of an opening bid.
To me, saying a so-called negative double of 1H - (1S) - ? has no relation to minors is like saying that green paint is really purple when applied to a north-facing wall.

I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
2017-02-20 20:10:18 UTC
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise? What is 2N?
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
Dave Flower
2017-02-21 09:01:49 UTC
Post by KWSchneider
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise? What is 2N?
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.

Do other posters agree ?

Dave Flower
Co Wiersma
2017-02-21 12:38:31 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
Post by KWSchneider
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise? What is 2N?
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.
Do other posters agree ?
Dave Flower
One problem a post makes things much easier indeed

Co Wiersma
Berti Rupsli
2017-02-21 12:44:41 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
Post by KWSchneider
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise? What is 2N?
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.
Do other posters agree ?
Dave Flower
Lorne Anderson
2017-02-21 15:03:13 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.
Do other posters agree ?
Dave Flower
2017-02-22 00:46:24 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.
Do other posters agree ?
Dave Flower
It's okay to have more than one hand provided the hands are of the same theme.
Hands of different themes require a separate thread.
Notice that I responded to only one hand on each of my post.
Adam Lea
2017-02-23 00:11:15 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
Post by KWSchneider
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise? What is 2N?
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.
Do other posters agree ?
Dave Flower
Thanks for making me aware of this. I will do separate posts for each
hand in future, but not so many as to spam the newsgroup and annoy everyone.
2017-02-23 03:43:40 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Post by Dave Flower
Post by KWSchneider
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise? What is 2N?
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.
Do other posters agree ?
Dave Flower
Thanks for making me aware of this. I will do separate posts for each
hand in future, but not so many as to spam the newsgroup and annoy everyone.
I think your posted hands are very interesting, I won't consider it spam in the least. Thank you.
2017-02-23 04:52:31 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by Adam Lea
Post by Dave Flower
Post by KWSchneider
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise? What is 2N?
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.
Do other posters agree ?
Dave Flower
Thanks for making me aware of this. I will do separate posts for each
hand in future, but not so many as to spam the newsgroup and annoy everyone.
I think your posted hands are very interesting, I won't consider it spam in the least. Thank you.
Hardly spam. We need more posts.
Co Wiersma
2017-02-23 12:22:42 UTC
Post by Player
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by Adam Lea
Post by Dave Flower
Post by KWSchneider
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise? What is 2N?
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.
Do other posters agree ?
Dave Flower
Thanks for making me aware of this. I will do separate posts for each
hand in future, but not so many as to spam the newsgroup and annoy everyone.
I think your posted hands are very interesting, I won't consider it spam in the least. Thank you.
Hardly spam. We need more posts.
Indeed post as many as you like
But post them separate, unless you want to compare the hands/and or

Co Wiersma
Will in New Haven
2017-03-01 03:23:23 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Post by Dave Flower
Post by KWSchneider
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise? What is 2N?
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
I have not responded to this thread because I dislike having several hands discussed in one thread; I would much prefer separate threads.
Do other posters agree ?
Dave Flower
Thanks for making me aware of this. I will do separate posts for each
hand in future, but not so many as to spam the newsgroup and annoy everyone.
Not spam and I don't think anyone is annoyed but Mr. Flower is pointing out a good general principle for newsgroup posts.
Will now in Pompano Beach
2017-02-22 00:42:22 UTC
Post by KWSchneider
Post by jogs
I don't believe the standard treatment is best.
My double isn't negative. It is a 3-card raise.
What's the point? Playing 5card majors, you have a known 8card fit.
Are you suggesting that this is a 3card limit raise, whereas 2H would be a competitive raise, 2S a 4card limit raise, and 3H a 4card competitive raise?
-What is 2N?

I don't remember the last time I bid 2NT in a contested auction.


is a 3-card limit raise or better. The main purpose of letting opener know it is exactly 3-card is to help in slam decisions.

is preemptive.

4+ forcing to game. Remember my formula. With a known 5-4 fit in a major, bid game with 22+ HCP.
My question for you is

What do you bid with xx=5=3=3 and 12-14 HCP?


Now what do you bid with xx=5=3=3 and 12-14 HCP?



What does this show?

Also does vulnerability or form of scoring affect your responses?
2017-02-20 02:02:34 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Another night of bridge, another bad score, cross-imps this time. I felt
the score of nearly -20 imps was rather lower than we deserved, given it
one of those evenings where partner and I seemed largely to do sensible
things. We only got two big minus scores out of 24 boards but leaked
imps on many others, only 2-4 per board but that accumulates over the
evening. We struggled to get any significant swings in.
This board was the worst. I'm not sure whether to put it down to bad
luck or whether I was too aggressive (trying to play matchpoints
tactics, not imps)
System was 5 card majors, short club, 15-17NT.
KT74 Q63
AK95 Q742
- A9853
T8743 9
E/W vuln
1D P 2D X
P 2H P P
At this point, I felt my choices were pass or 3D. I'm thinking I have a
better than minimum hand, the opponents likely have 8 hearts between
them, we have at least 8 diamonds between us and so by law of total
tricks, if 2H makes, 3D shouldn't be more than one off. If 2H goes off,
3D has good chances. Hence I decided to bid 3D. This turned out to be
tragically wrong. LHO doubled, and thanks to the 5-0 diamond break, a
LHO who knew to lead trumps at every opportunity, and the clubs 5-1 so I
can't enjoy four club tricks, I go three off (although I can get out for
two off, but that isn't much better). -500, 10.5 imps out. Three pairs
making 1NT by North (almost all the room is playing a weak NT), a couple
of EWs in hearts making 8 or 9 tricks, and one pair allowed to play 2D
going one off. Was my reasoning totally wrong here?
Looks like mostly bad luck, but as Lorne suggests, if you knew you had an 8 card fit over the double, it will generally be better to bid 3D then rather than after they find their fit.
2017-02-20 19:55:41 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Another night of bridge, another bad score, cross-imps this time. I felt
the score of nearly -20 imps was rather lower than we deserved, given it
one of those evenings where partner and I seemed largely to do sensible
things. We only got two big minus scores out of 24 boards but leaked
imps on many others, only 2-4 per board but that accumulates over the
evening. We struggled to get any significant swings in.
This board was the worst. I'm not sure whether to put it down to bad
luck or whether I was too aggressive (trying to play matchpoints
tactics, not imps)
System was 5 card majors, short club, 15-17NT.
KT74 Q63
AK95 Q742
- A9853
T8743 9
E/W vuln
1D P 2D X
P 2H P P
At this point, I felt my choices were pass or 3D. I'm thinking I have a
better than minimum hand, the opponents likely have 8 hearts between
them, we have at least 8 diamonds between us and so by law of total
tricks, if 2H makes, 3D shouldn't be more than one off. If 2H goes off,
3D has good chances. Hence I decided to bid 3D. This turned out to be
tragically wrong. LHO doubled, and thanks to the 5-0 diamond break, a
LHO who knew to lead trumps at every opportunity, and the clubs 5-1 so I
can't enjoy four club tricks, I go three off (although I can get out for
two off, but that isn't much better). -500, 10.5 imps out. Three pairs
making 1NT by North (almost all the room is playing a weak NT), a couple
of EWs in hearts making 8 or 9 tricks, and one pair allowed to play 2D
going one off. Was my reasoning totally wrong here?
I'm not sure you should shoulder the blame. You partner has a clear 1N response - I would expect 5diamonds for the 2D bid - after which you have a clear pass. However, once your partner bids 2D, like the other posters, pre-emptively bid 3D with the expectation of 9+ card fit.
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
2017-02-20 20:04:08 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
K9865 A72
Q53 J
95 Q87642
E/W vuln
1D 2C AP
A vulnerable overcall on a flimsy suit results in all the club honors
onside for declarer, so 2C makes with an overtrick, but NS have 2H on.
That was 4.8 imps out. Again, only one other pair is playing in 2C, one
pair is in 1NT by N and three others are in a H contract. To me it looks
like we have been fixed on this one (again, the strong NT in a weak NT
field fails), but I'd be interested in what you think.
This is an example of the pre-emptive nature of the 2C overcall over a 1D opening - I always strive to come up with that bid, and with 6 of them and the singleton, I would have made the same call.

Dummy should recognize that the likelihood of opener having a 4cM has risen and should make a light negative X.
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
2017-02-23 05:23:10 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Another night of bridge, another bad score, cross-imps this time. I felt
the score of nearly -20 imps was rather lower than we deserved, given it
one of those evenings where partner and I seemed largely to do sensible
things. We only got two big minus scores out of 24 boards but leaked
imps on many others, only 2-4 per board but that accumulates over the
evening. We struggled to get any significant swings in.
This board was the worst. I'm not sure whether to put it down to bad
luck or whether I was too aggressive (trying to play matchpoints
tactics, not imps)
System was 5 card majors, short club, 15-17NT.
KT74 Q63
AK95 Q742
- A9853
T8743 9
E/W vuln
1D P 2D X
P 2H P P
At this point, I felt my choices were pass or 3D. I'm thinking I have a
better than minimum hand, the opponents likely have 8 hearts between
them, we have at least 8 diamonds between us and so by law of total
tricks, if 2H makes, 3D shouldn't be more than one off. If 2H goes off,
3D has good chances. Hence I decided to bid 3D. This turned out to be
tragically wrong. LHO doubled, and thanks to the 5-0 diamond break, a
LHO who knew to lead trumps at every opportunity, and the clubs 5-1 so I
can't enjoy four club tricks, I go three off (although I can get out for
two off, but that isn't much better). -500, 10.5 imps out. Three pairs
making 1NT by North (almost all the room is playing a weak NT), a couple
of EWs in hearts making 8 or 9 tricks, and one pair allowed to play 2D
going one off. Was my reasoning totally wrong here?
A9832 KQ765
874 32
K 982
AQ63 T95
E/W vuln
1H 1S
3H 3S AP
3H intended as invitational. Not a good result. 4H is cold for NS, and
apart from one other pair in 3S everyone else was in diamonds or the
heart game. 8 imps out. How should the bidding have gone?
K9865 A72
Q53 J
95 Q87642
E/W vuln
1D 2C AP
A vulnerable overcall on a flimsy suit results in all the club honors
onside for declarer, so 2C makes with an overtrick, but NS have 2H on.
That was 4.8 imps out. Again, only one other pair is playing in 2C, one
pair is in 1NT by N and three others are in a H contract. To me it looks
like we have been fixed on this one (again, the strong NT in a weak NT
field fails), but I'd be interested in what you think.
Hello , What the law of total tricks says (if you believe this theory) is that if 3d makes then 2h is favorite to go down 1 so in imp scoring there is no big difference unless there is a maybe low percentage bad break so why bother bidding 3d . I would pass but the suggestion by Lorne to bid 3d (if you feel you want to ) right over the double to prevent east from bidding at the 2 level is good bridge . smn
2017-02-23 14:48:43 UTC
Post by smn
Hello , What the law of total tricks says (if you believe this theory) is that if 3d makes then 2h is favorite to go down 1 so in imp scoring there is no big difference unless there is a maybe low percentage bad break so why bother bidding 3d . I would pass but the suggestion by Lorne to bid 3d (if you feel you want to ) right over the double to prevent east from bidding at the 2 level is good bridge . smn
LoTT would not pass as a law in math or stat. LoTT is a guideline.
2017-02-23 20:05:18 UTC
I play inverted minors, so on the first hand it would have been

1D P 3D

Let's see them deal with that. Inverted minors is one of the few conventions that I think is a clear winner.

On the second hand I would have splintered, but only because West bid spades. His/her spade bid makes my singleton worth considerably more and the ace of trump is a definite extra, so I'm going to bid game and give partner a chance for slam.

1H 1S

The third hand bidding seems OK to me.
2017-02-23 20:25:56 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
I play inverted minors, so on the first hand it would have been
1D P 3D
Let's see them deal with that. Inverted minors is one of the few conventions that I think is a clear winner.
You would jump to 3D on a raggedy 4card support and no shortness? When 1N seems obvious?
Good luck when opener comes down with AKxx AQxx xxx xx.
Posted by Mimo Usenet Browser v0.2.5
2017-02-24 14:58:54 UTC
Post by KWSchneider
Post by p***@gmail.com
I play inverted minors, so on the first hand it would have been
1D P 3D
Let's see them deal with that. Inverted minors is one of the few conventions that I think is a clear winner.
You would jump to 3D on a raggedy 4card support and no shortness? When 1N seems obvious?
Good luck when opener comes down with AKxx AQxx xxx xx.
Yes, bid 1NT. Personally I wouldn't bid 3D with less than 5 diamonds.
But with 4 diamonds and a short major(singleton or void), 3D is permitted.
Steve Willner
2017-03-02 02:50:44 UTC
Post by KWSchneider
You would jump to 3D on a raggedy 4card support and no shortness?
Did you overlook the "short club" in the OP?
Post by KWSchneider
Good luck when opener comes down with AKxx AQxx xxx xx.
I expect that hand would have opened 1C, as would any other balanced
hand outside the 1NT or 2NT range. If I understand the system, opener
will always have 4+ diamonds and nearly always 5+. That changes the
odds on immediate diamond raises by responder.

Derek Turner
2017-02-24 19:47:06 UTC
On 19/02/2017 00:15, Adam Lea wrote:

Was my reasoning totally wrong here?

The take-out double should have alerted you to a 4-1 trump break at
best, ditto the club break.
Post by Adam Lea
3H intended as invitational. Not a good result. 4H is cold for NS, and
apart from one other pair in 3S everyone else was in diamonds or the
heart game. 8 imps out. How should the bidding have gone?
Straight to 4, for me white against red.