Post by David GoldfarbPost by LorneSettle a difference of opinion here. Vul vs not Vul, IMP scoring, what
(3S) Dbl (P) to you.
I'd say it's very close between 3N and 4H, with pass a close third.
I think my choice is 3N.
I'll ratherly randomly reply to this post and not any other.
I don't believe anyone is going to bid a slam on this hand
and, even if you are so inclined, I don't think you have room
to do it sensibly. Opposite everyone who bids 4H, what will partner do
with x AKxx AKxx AKxx? They'll pass since partner might have nothing.
They'll feel more uncomfortable opposite a 3NT bid but will probably
pass (altho 4N is possible I suppose but it seems aggressive).
So, as essentially everyone has pointed out,
it is a 3 way choice.
It is specified as IMP scoring and it is usually best to take the
safest number of approximately the right size and attempt to maximise
your expected score.
It is not pairs where you are trying to get the biggest score.
If partner has a minimum double (X AKxx AKxx xxxx)
4H will have possible outcomes being 12,11,10 or 9 tricks. Maybe less
is trumps are 4-1 or 5-0 (or 6-0) giving scores of 680, 650 and -100.
The defence will lead a spade and see the club switch with the above
hands and make 3 black tricks and a trump on the bad split.
The bad split is 32% before the 3S opener and is rather larger now,
say 40%. So the expectation is 60% of 650 and 40% of -100 = 390-40 = 350.
If instead we passed for the penalty we expect 2 spades and 1 heart
and 2 diamonds which is two off for +300 when hearts are 1-4 and
2 spades, 2 hearts, 2 diamonds for +500 when hearts are 3-2.
So the expectation is 60% of 500 and 40% of 300 = 300+120 = 420.
This seems to suggest the penalty pass is safer than 4H opposite a
minimum take out. If partner is better than minimum, the penalty
will be more, say 800 opposite x AKxx AKxx AKxx with stodgy play
and more if we can get a trump promotion via clubs.
The analysis is harder when the doubler has things like x AKxx Axxx Kxxx.
I think the pass is best but I'll leave it to others to correct
this cursory analysis.