Post by Berti RupsliPost by Bruce Evans...
It must be better to make a takeout/competitive double (hopefully you
are playing this and not penalty/optional at the 3S level, especially
at this vulnerability/scoring). Partner will know to pass or bid 3NT
large spade wastage (AKQ is also possible :-). He will pass too often
with medium spade wastage. But he won't pass with xxx or xx in spades
and a bad hand since xxx is not suitable for defending.
Bruce: If I understood correctly then you suggested after RHO bid 3S, as
next one you should DBL (not for penalty) instead of pass/4H here. His
pd can then leave it in DBL (for penalty) or bid 3NT with S stopper(s).
3NT with spade stopper(s) and some reason to expect to make 3NT. If in
doubt, partner can always pass with good spade stoppers. I would hope that
the extras are enough to make 4H too and bid it over 3NT. Except I
wouldn't double since I think the hand is too weak for that too. 4H is
only worse than 3NT if we have weak hearts and many fast tricks in the
minors, but that requires partner to have too many extras -- something
like QJx xxxx KJx AKx -- the similar hand with only QTx in spades or
Kxx in diamonds might as well play 3NT since 3NT is not cold and 4H only
needs the H break.
Post by Berti RupsliWouldn't this DBL show non-minimum but at the same time DENY a 4cH -
because what else could you bid with non-minimum and no H support for
pd's t/o DBL (promising 4cH...)??? Thus you would definitely miss the H
It just shows not enough hearts or strength to bid 4H (or 4C).
Partner should assume that I don't have hearts and only bid 4H with 5
cards. Then 4H will be a good contract, and we will guess better over
a 4S delayed sacrifice. Partner also should try to avoid bidding 4C
on only 4 cards. He would probably have to bid it if he has
xxx xxxx Kx Kxxx since 4D is no better, but if he has xx xxxx Kxx Kxxx
then 4D is probably better. I bid 4H over 4C and 4D of course, and go
down many when partner has these minimum fitting hands and many more
when he has misfitting hands.
Post by Berti Rupslifit even if pd is max, too, although you might even be able to play slam
in H... ?
If pard is max, then he will force to slam and be unhappy when it goes
down because I am sub-minumum. At least I avoided over-stating the
hearts. We can still play in hearts, and the problem might be to avoid
playing in hearts because they have a loser while diamonds or clubs are
solid. Partner can't have a game force with long clubs, but he might have
AKJx. Then KJ of diamonds brings us up to 9 tricks. The other 3 can be
the AKQ of hearts, partner holding x KQxx KJx AKJx. That is a super max,
but 6H is down easily on 4-1 hearts offside.
Post by Berti Rupsli... especially against as you mentioned (quote): "... and often end up in 3SX making."
Please quote normally, not like that.
Perhaps not often. Partner should pass 3SX with something like KJx or
QJx in spades and nothing better to do, but should find something better
with Qxx or Kx(x) or Ax(x).
Post by Berti RupsliAnd further you wrote re pd's reaction to the DBL (quote): "... He will
pass too often with medium spade wastage."
... would the wording "too often" refer to an unfavorable decision,
opposite which better one...?
He expect me to not have 4 hearts and misjudge based on that. Even if
he has 5 hearts, LOTT says that 4H is too high if I have 3.
Post by Berti RupsliBut in your first paragraphe you wrote (quote): "... Partner probably
shouldn't pass with that." As you differentiate "I" from "pd", so what
did you mean with it, like: ...(3S)-p-(p)-DBL...??? And if so, expecting
what kind of reaction on "my" side? Pass, or anew an invitation for
bidding H???
Passing with xxx is simply an error so partner shouldn't do it, but he
might if he plays high-level takeout doubles as closer to optional.