Post by Michelle SteinerPost by Fred.Post by Michelle SteinerYou have
1. Do you bid 1NT? If not, what do you do?
2. If you bid 1NT, what do you do if partner bids 2NT?
Playing 15-17 NT, what else would you open? After 1D-1M
what's your rebid?
I'm used to playing 2NT invitation as highly invitational,
and pass only if ashamed of my 1NT opening.
I should have specified that the range is 15-17 HCP, but because that's
the pretty much standard range (except for people playing Precision,
KS, etc.), it didn't occur to me to do it.
This was the last board my partner and I played in the next-to-last
round of a Swiss event yesterday. My partner opened 1NT, and I bid 2NT
with 8 HCP and 3=2=4=4 distribution. Personally, I would have passed
1NT with partner's hand; 16 HCP is in the middle of the range, there
isn't a runnable suit, and there aren't any decent intermediates (10s,
9s, etc.). Partner did bid 3NT. The hand wound up depending on a
finesse; onside, there are two overtricks, offside, it's down 1. It
was offside, for -50. The contract at the other table was 1NT, making
1 for +90, a 140 point swing for -5 IMPs. We lost the match by 2 IMPs.
The difference in IMPs and concomitant VPs wouldn't have changed our
overall standings, though.
My own view is that partner shouldn't bid 2NT unless
expecting to make facing a hand in the middle of the
range. 17 point hands should be considerably rarer
than 16 point hand. However, since you were in for
overtricks if the finesse won, it sounds as if partner
had a source of tricks as well as the 8 HCP.
Though it's hard to tell the exact percentage making
it sounds as if you expect to gain IMP's in the long run
by bidding 3NT on the combined hands.
It sounds as if your best strategy for winning the match was
to be in the same contract as the opponents, while that of the
opponents was to be in a different contract, whatever the odds.
How best to bid on the hand in mid match seems to have little
bearing on this.