Post by Lorne AndersonPost by James Dow AllenBoth the pairs that got to 7S opened 1S.
Our S opened 1H -- is that so wrong?
1H - 2C
2S - 3D
3S - 4NT
5D - 5NT
6D - 6S
With solid spades I wonder if South should
have bid 7S over 6S.
Why on earth should he raise when partner took control of the auction
with 4N and then said we do not have enough for 7S ?
Post by James Dow Allen(PlayOKer's do like their Gerber! One
South opened 1H, showed Aces and Kings
and then bid 7S over 6NT -- the first natural
bid in the auction since 1H! Unfortunately
North corrected 7S to 7NT which fails.
King of Hearts is offside.)
I do not understand how somebody facing a reverse with 18 points and a
fit and knowing via blackwood that all first round controls + trump
control are held can decide not to bid 7S.
My assumption is that they are not playing RKC Blackwood and that
South has shown an ace and a king, but not necessarily trump
controls. South can see the four aces and the solid spades, but
not the club tricks and heart ruff. North can see the club tricks
and heart ruff, but I don't think the view of trump control is
clear enough to go for the grand slam at IMP's. On the RKC auction
1H 2C
2S 3D
3S 4NT
5S 7S
North can see 13 tricks, 5 in each black suit, 2 red aces and
a heart ruff, provided the black suits break or South comes
up with the needed minor honors. Quite a different picture.
If they are playing regular Blackwood, then perhaps they are
also still playing grand slam force and the auction should go
1H 2C
2S 3D
3S 5NT
With South holding 2 of the top 3 trump honors. I think it
reasonable for North to assume that South has the HA for the