Post by Douglas NewlandsTeams, nil, D-E, you are east
1D 1H
2C 4H ?
You are playing SA but 1D shows 5 (unless 4=4=4=1 precisely).
2C is either 4+C and FG (may have 4cM)
or 11-12, no 4cM, flat or minor length.
What do you fancy?
We have at least 30 of the 40 HCP between us, possibly more, and the
opponents surely have strength in hearts (in addition to length). As
such, we almost certainly have a slam somewhere, but with partner's hand
type unclear, we need to ask partner where.
I believe most people would interpret 5H as showing such a hand
(assuming that it doesn't have a defined conventional meaning; if it
did, you'd probably have mentioned that). This leaves room for partner
to bid 5S if they happen to have four spades (they shouldn't bid it
with only three as we'd have bid 5S ourself with five); I'd bid 6S
over 5S, pass over any 6-level response but 6H, and would bid 5D over
5NT (which would surely show at least diamond tolerance). I prefer 5H
to 5NT because 5NT probably denies spades (due to bypassing the cheap
5S bid that would allow showing them).
We may well have a grand slam on with this hand, but I don't think I'd
attempt to look for it; we don't have enough bidding space to do any
sort of fine inquiring about particular cards, and you normally need
that for a grand. We could easily be off the Ace of Diamonds, for
example (and I don't think 4NT would be Blackwood after this auction,
so there's no way to check for missing aces).
Incidentally, although I don't think 5H guarantees a heart void on this
sequence, we do actually have a heart void, so if partner misinterprets
the bid as that, no real harm is done.