Post by a*** final round of the monthly cross-imp competition, and the last
I don't like opening two suited hands with a strong artificial two
bid, as I end up trying to show both suits starting at the three
level, so I decided to treat it as a hand suitable for reverse
bidding. We were playing 5 card majors (1C could be two), strong 1NT,
Benj-Acol two openings.
P 1C P 1S
P 2H P 2S
Unfortunately 6NT by me is an excellent contract which we missed. I
guess I could have opened 2NT, but as the auction went, who should
have done more?
6NT is only ever going to be reachable if you show the diamond stop.
West can't dare to go for slam without knowing that every suit is likely
to be under control, and you have to bid notrumps yourself to avoid
wrong-siding the contract.
What's the meaning of 2S here? Obviously it shows only spades, but how
strong is it? I'd personally play it as showing a minimum, in which case
there's no way the slam is reachable (as East won't be expecting that
much strength, and won't be able to bid notrumps naturally as forcing).
If you play your reverse bids strong enough that a 2S reply would be
game-forcing (or at least rebid-promising or forcing to three) and
show a hand fairly like this one, then East should continue with 2NT
showing a diamond stop and spade tolerance; that makes it plausible
that the slam will be reached. (Obviously, East can't bid 2NT unless
the partnership has agreed that it's forcing!)
West is clearly strong enough for an artificial game force after hearing
the reverse (9 HCP opposite a reverse can nearly always make game in
something). When playing fourth suit forcing, that would be 3D. With 21
HCP (about 5 more than the reverse shows), East would want to make a
slam try upon hearing that, but it's unclear what the bid should be
(as 3NT would be interpreted as a signoff). A decent guess would be 4NT,
which by inference has to be a slam try in notrumps (as it bypasses 3NT
and clearly no suit has been agreed after the bidding sequence P, 1C;
1S, 2H; 3D, 4NT), but you might have to do some guessing to interpret
the answer!
I'm still not sure you get to slam after this; West has a good shape for
notrumps and a mostly solid suit, both of which are helpful, but 9
HCP is close to a minimum for a game force opposite a reverse, and
notrump games and slams are often found via HCP counting, so West may
just be happy to play at the game level. I don't think that with a
bidding system like this, there's enough time to find all the
information you'd need (e.g. East having the Jack of Spades is
suprisingly relevant). If West's willing to continue over 4NT, though,
slam seems likely (whatever question 4NT is interpreted as asking, the
most likely reply is "1", which East will be happy to hear; over 3D,
4NT can hardly be asking about spades, and East has the King of each
other suit, so East knows that West's count is likely to contain only
aces; and 4NT can hardly be interpreted as "two places to play" over a
fourth-suit force, because you don't normally answer a question with the
same question, so it must be some sort of ace ask or key-card ask).