Post by KWSchneiderPost by David BabcockCan someone point me to anything from theoretical discussions to
system notes on the subject of Precision with transfer responses to 1C
for positive hands? The best-known Precision titles don't seem to
discuss this much.
There are 3 generally accepted methods of playing transfer positives
over a strong club.
1) 5-way - 1H->1S, 1S->1N, 1N->2C, 2C->2D, 2D->2H
Another generally accepted method of 5-way transfers (MORE common in
my experience) reverses the meanings of 1NT and 2D in the above, so
that 1NT shows hearts and 2D shows clubs. It isn't a good idea to
have the responder stealing the NT when he has a long minor.
Some other methods use 1H to show either of two positives. (One
scheme I have seen, though not the only, is 1H = a positive in a black
suit, 1S = balanced, 1NT = hearts, 2C = diamonds). This avoids
violating the useful space principle--you really should be putting
more hands through 1H than 2D, for example--at the risk of 4th hand
preempting over the 1H response.
Note that the 1S bid showing a balanced hand will for most players
include 4441 hands and may include semibalanced hands with a long
minor if they are NT-oriented. They may also include 5332 hands with
a 5-card major, depending on style.
Post by KWSchneider2) 4-way - 1H->1S, 1N, 1S->2C, 2C->2D, 2D->2H
3) Meckwellian - 1H->1S, 1S=1H [effectively 1S->2H], 1N->2C, 2C->2D,
2D=1N [effectively 2D->2N, balanced]
The logic is that more often than not, opener has a strong notrump
hand and all of the benefits of transfers in that environment would
accrue here. Acceptance of the transfer always shows 3+length, it may
also be an trump or control asking bid - but in all cases it sets
trump [and initiates asking sequences if you play them].
It's also common for opener's cheapest rebid to simply ask for further
Post by KWSchneiderI prefer the Meckwellian version, since it keeps a 1N rebid by opener
available over either major response. This allows opener to bid
notrump first - and we use this as a control ask as well. Using 2D as
a balanced response [again there are ranges and versions of this as
well] works well since opener can bid a 5+major over it, else bids 2N
and then GF Stayman is on.
I actually dislike this approach, since I think the responder rather
than the opener should be doing the describing when opener is
balanced. I try hard to banish Stayman from game-forcing 1C auctions.
I also think it's more important for declarer to be able to declare NT
when responder does NOT have a major. (When he does have a major,
it's less likely we belong in NT as the final contract.)
Post by KWSchneiderMeckwell divide their flat hand responses into multiple brackets by
using a 1H response as a 2-way bid showing a good flat response
[11-13pts] or spades. This ensures that the 2D response is limited to
8-10pts but convolutes the 1C 1H auction significantly.
No good method fails to convolute the 1C-1H auction.
Christopher Monsour