Post by ***@verizon.netOn BBO, the auction 1C/D - (1S) - 1NT seems to show a weak hand without hearts, and is unrelated to spades. In my recent experience, it has come up ofter and has never had a spade stopper.
Are beginners being taught this method? Why?
Many beginners are now taught that all direct raises of
overcalls are weak. Thus, even against beginners, a passing
responder may find that the next chance to compete is at the
three or four level.
A responder wishing to protect against a quick raise,
of the overcall but lacking a spade stop or support for
opener's possibly short minor, is left with 1NT for a call.
As I see it, the choice is between (over?)reliance on balancing
and the occasional wrong sided or silly no-trump contract.
An added cost of the 1NT choice at match points is that opener
holding an unbalanced hand cannot safely leave 1NT in.
I don't pretend to have a sure answer, but do think the issue
is far more complex than you and Co seem to think. Keep in mind
that the fact of the intervention increases the likelihood that
opener is unbalanced and will pull 1NT.