2018-12-22 00:11:20 UTC
S: 5
H: A94
D: AK7543
C: K74
Pard opened 1NT. At his request, we play minor suit transfers. I prefer a 2N relay to 3C - pass or correct, leaving 3C and 3D available for a good 6-card suit with slam interest a la SAYC.
I've got 14 HCP and pard has 15-17 HCP for a total of 29-31 HCP, and he will have at least 2 diamonds, meaning (in my mind) I can count my distribution, giving us 31-33 points playing 6D.
Using Losing Trick Count, I have 6 losers and he has ~6 for his 15-17. 24-12=6D, so I just bid it. (Does LTC still apply if you have a fit but play it in NT?)
At this club, only a few people are going to bid a slam with only 29-31 HCP, meaning that even if someone bids 6NT, the 6D slam earns about as many points and seems safer.
Turns out 12 was a laydown and sure enough, out of 13 tables, 3 of us bid 6D and 1 bid 6NT.
The question is -- With all my "aces and spaces" and only 29-31 actual HCP, should I have Gerber-ed my way to 6NT?
S: 5
H: A94
D: AK7543
C: K74
Pard opened 1NT. At his request, we play minor suit transfers. I prefer a 2N relay to 3C - pass or correct, leaving 3C and 3D available for a good 6-card suit with slam interest a la SAYC.
I've got 14 HCP and pard has 15-17 HCP for a total of 29-31 HCP, and he will have at least 2 diamonds, meaning (in my mind) I can count my distribution, giving us 31-33 points playing 6D.
Using Losing Trick Count, I have 6 losers and he has ~6 for his 15-17. 24-12=6D, so I just bid it. (Does LTC still apply if you have a fit but play it in NT?)
At this club, only a few people are going to bid a slam with only 29-31 HCP, meaning that even if someone bids 6NT, the 6D slam earns about as many points and seems safer.
Turns out 12 was a laydown and sure enough, out of 13 tables, 3 of us bid 6D and 1 bid 6NT.
The question is -- With all my "aces and spaces" and only 29-31 actual HCP, should I have Gerber-ed my way to 6NT?