Is this newsgroup, or all of rec.games, stalled?
(too old to reply)
Will in New Haven
2019-11-21 19:22:20 UTC
All of the stuff on the ng, including the number of views, has been static for quite some time. Also on another rec.games group I follow.
2019-11-21 21:28:31 UTC
Post by Will in New Haven
All of the stuff on the ng, including the number of views, has been
static for quite some time. Also on another rec.games group I follow.
I saw your message, so I guess it's just that nobody's been posting.
Usenet as a whole isn't very active nowadays.
Douglas Newlands
2019-11-21 21:34:18 UTC
Post by Will in New Haven
All of the stuff on the ng, including the number of views, has been static for quite some time. Also on another rec.games group I follow.
Yes, it seems as if r.g.b is dead or, at least, not noticeably alive.

40+years ago, Unix provide rn (readnews) to access newsgroups they but
were centred on topics like C, unix, OS managment.
Bridge was amongst the earliest non-technical subjects and I recall
reading it in the early 80s.
Perhaps surprisingly, the newsgroups survived the arrival of the web but
perhaps the new web-users didn't know of r.g.b.

There are lots of FB bridge groups of very variable interest and
traffic. Some have megalomaniacal moderators. Some have posters who
continually post about themselves.

Bridgewinners seems to have a good variety of articles/discussions and
good traffic. It is certainly where I go for a fix.

Are there any other places with good content?

Steve Willner
2019-12-12 22:40:51 UTC
Post by Douglas Newlands
Bridgewinners seems to have a good variety of articles/discussions and
good traffic.
It has some disadvantages, including very short "attention span" in most
cases, but web forums such as bridgewinners.com seem largely to have
replaced Usenet. I don't look at bbo forums, but I gather they are
active as well.
2019-11-27 15:32:52 UTC
I access RGB through Google Groups who sends out emails when there are new posts.

I don't participate here as much as I could because the few regulars here are beyond my level of expertise, despite the large amount of time I spend studying bridge.

I recently started a new Google Group named "Bridge Game Bidding "(https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bridgegamebidding) which is aimed at the non-expert bridged players, though getting answers from experts to questions would be very helpful.

Since it's new, I'm still getting the word out to our bridge club members, etc., so while I've set up a number of features on it, there is not much activity yet.
2019-12-08 22:27:44 UTC
Post by Will in New Haven
All of the stuff on the ng, including the number of views, has been static for quite some time. Also on another rec.games group I follow.
I have not been posting hands on here since I got onto the BBO forum. I have been posting hands on there, I like the ability to construct a bridge deal with bidding and play using a deal generator whicxh looks really nice, and they don't seem to blame me as often as on here when I post badly scoring hands. :-)
Kenny McCormack
2019-12-09 00:05:41 UTC
Post by Will in New Haven
Post by Will in New Haven
All of the stuff on the ng, including the number of views, has been static for
quite some time. Also on another rec.games group I follow.
I have not been posting hands on here since I got onto the BBO forum. I have been
posting hands on there, I like the ability to construct a bridge deal with
bidding and play using a deal generator whicxh looks really nice, and they don't
seem to blame me as often as on here when I post badly scoring hands. :-)
They still have a BBO Forum??

Odd, given that the software stopped working a few years ago. Strange that
they'd continue running the forum after that.
"The most unsettling aspect of my atheism for Christians is
when they realize that their Bible has no power to make me
wince. They are used to using it like a cattle prod to get
people to cower into compliance." - Author unknown
Ian Zimmerman
2019-12-09 18:53:44 UTC
Post by Kenny McCormack
They still have a BBO Forum??
Odd, given that the software stopped working a few years ago. Strange
that they'd continue running the forum after that.
Is BBO == "bridgebase.com"? Because the right side works just fine. In
fact they just recently (last year or so) replaced the previous Flash
based version with a new one which I think is based on Web Extensions.
It is one of the better behaved sites out there.
Please don't Cc: me privately on mailing lists and Usenet,
if you also post the followup to the list or newsgroup.
To reply privately _only_ on Usenet and on broken lists
which rewrite From, fetch the TXT record for no-use.mooo.com.
2020-01-30 05:01:37 UTC
I still post here although I do read a few other forums. Unfortunately, BBO cannot resolve a problem with my login (and has not been able to for 10 or more years.) I cannot log on and I cannot register and I cannot be unregistered or something. Thus, I cannot post (not that that is necessarily a great loss to the bridge world.)
Bertel Lund Hansen
2020-01-30 09:37:19 UTC
Post by t***@att.net
I still post here although I do read a few other forums.
The last (relevant) posting was sent 2019-12-16 12:08.

I still follow the group, but then I am one of the soon dying
faithful members of Usenet that has been using it for about 25
years. Very few groups are still alive.

Internet forums - not to mention unsocial media - have taken
over, and newcomers to the internet have no idea what Usenet is.

In The Good Old Days every internet starter kit included a
newsreader. Today you just get a connection.

There are two useful Danish bridge forums, but the language is
Danish - although all the participants understand English and
would answer in that language if asked, but the main part of the
forums will be unintelligible for people who don't read Danish.
John Hall
2020-01-30 10:30:53 UTC
Post by Bertel Lund Hansen
The last (relevant) posting was sent 2019-12-16 12:08.

It's strange how suddenly use of the group seems to have fallen off a
cliff. I suppose people may have been too busy to post in the run-up to
Christmas, and perhaps they just got out of the habit of posting.
John Hall
"If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come
sit next to me."
Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Eddie Grove
2020-01-30 10:56:35 UTC
Post by John Hall
Post by Bertel Lund Hansen
The last (relevant) posting was sent 2019-12-16 12:08.
It's strange how suddenly use of the group seems to have fallen off a
cliff. I suppose people may have been too busy to post in the run-up
to Christmas, and perhaps they just got out of the habit of posting.
Newsgroups die as the die-hards age out.

I recommend bridgewinners.com.

