Post by a***, 5 card majors, strong NT, red vs green.
North South
K954 AQ873
A974 KJ652
A983 7
2 A3
P P 1S P
4C* 5C 5S AP
7S makes thanks to the 2-2 heart break. How sould this have been bid?
South's hand gets rather stronger opposite a game-forcing splinter, even
if it's by a passed hand: you know there are no club losers, and for
North to have enough to splinter, it's likely that there are no spade
losers either. I think you'd have to be worried about a potential
diamond loser, though, and East's intervention makes it harder to check.
South definitely needs to bid more than 5S. There's room for a cuebid
here but South doesn't have any red Aces. I think 5H is the correct
bid if you play that a cuebid shows King or Ace, but if you place
cuebids as Aces only (which probably works better here), the correct
sequence is likely to pass, then bid 5S opposite North's likely double
(which shows a slam try with no available cue bid). As North, the two
Aces would make me want to double rather than bid 5S, even at this
vulnerability (South's pass could be a slam try, but normally
indicates not knowing what to do, and if South isn't sure about spades
we should probably be defending).
I'm generally not a huge fan of splinters unless they're defined very
precisely: they use up a very large amount of bidding space. North's
hand does look very close to what South will be expecting, though, so it
seems like a good choice if there's nothing more precise available in
the bidding system.
Out of curiosity, how much does 5C go down? On those hands, I can
easily imagine it being down six, which is a big argument for South not
settling for 5S; 5C only needs to go down 4 to make a double score
better than a making 5S, and if 5C doesn't go down 4 then 5S probably
won't make. If you're worried that both sides have a big fit in a
black suit, you can pass, which North should double unless they have a
very offensive hand. (North can't have a hand that would pass; it
doesn't make any sense to pass out the opponents at the 5 level after
making a slam try.)