2018-05-23 22:06:37 UTC
This is a hand that came up recently:
H AQ654
C AQ86
S T76
H 92
D T4
C KJT973
In the actual hand, North pre-empted, but I'm interested in what would
happen without interference, assuming East as the dealer. This sort of
hand seems to be something of a challenge for natural bidding systems,
as West is too weak to really show anything about their hand, and East
is naturally going to prefer hearts.
In Acol, I think this hand probably starts like this:
2C, 2D (artificial game force; bad hand)
2H, 3C (both natural)
4C, 4H (club support; heart tolerance)
but East doesn't have much of a reason to think there's a slam on, so
will likely just pass; hearts score better than clubs. (Note that I'm
far from sure that the third round of bidding here is correct; perhaps
West should bid 5C to show six clubs, but at least at matchpoints,
East has to pass this without knowing that West has the King of Clubs,
and West has shown no points at all so far so there's no reason to
expect a particular honour in that hand.)
Systems where a game force allows a negative response to show a suit
have no problem here. For example, in Polish Club, where the game force
is split over two bids, and thus the responder can show a negative and a
suit separately:
1C, 1D (balanced/clubs/strong; bad hand or no suit to show)
2D, 3C (artificial game force; a club suit worth showing)
3H, 4C (best suit hearts; six clubs)
6C (West must surely have CK, so East can count 12 tricks)
A system I've been working on can handle this in a similar way:
1C, 2C (balanced or strong; <8 HCP but 6 clubs)
5C, 6C (I can count 11 tricks; I have a 12th trick)
However, this all seems to rely on the responder having some method of
showing a long suit, which is rare when showing a bad hand normally has
a higher priority. (This hand is unusual because East needs to be the
hand with shorter trumps to make use of the singleton Spade, so East
badly needs to find a long suit in West's hand to have any hope of
making a slam.)
So I'm interested in how more natural systems deal with this sort of
hand and find the right suit to be in.
(Note that the hands here could actually have made a grand slam but only
because the HK was onside, something that E/W have no way of knowing. So
a perfect bidding system should end up in a small slam in clubs.)
H AQ654
C AQ86
S T76
H 92
D T4
C KJT973
In the actual hand, North pre-empted, but I'm interested in what would
happen without interference, assuming East as the dealer. This sort of
hand seems to be something of a challenge for natural bidding systems,
as West is too weak to really show anything about their hand, and East
is naturally going to prefer hearts.
In Acol, I think this hand probably starts like this:
2C, 2D (artificial game force; bad hand)
2H, 3C (both natural)
4C, 4H (club support; heart tolerance)
but East doesn't have much of a reason to think there's a slam on, so
will likely just pass; hearts score better than clubs. (Note that I'm
far from sure that the third round of bidding here is correct; perhaps
West should bid 5C to show six clubs, but at least at matchpoints,
East has to pass this without knowing that West has the King of Clubs,
and West has shown no points at all so far so there's no reason to
expect a particular honour in that hand.)
Systems where a game force allows a negative response to show a suit
have no problem here. For example, in Polish Club, where the game force
is split over two bids, and thus the responder can show a negative and a
suit separately:
1C, 1D (balanced/clubs/strong; bad hand or no suit to show)
2D, 3C (artificial game force; a club suit worth showing)
3H, 4C (best suit hearts; six clubs)
6C (West must surely have CK, so East can count 12 tricks)
A system I've been working on can handle this in a similar way:
1C, 2C (balanced or strong; <8 HCP but 6 clubs)
5C, 6C (I can count 11 tricks; I have a 12th trick)
However, this all seems to rely on the responder having some method of
showing a long suit, which is rare when showing a bad hand normally has
a higher priority. (This hand is unusual because East needs to be the
hand with shorter trumps to make use of the singleton Spade, so East
badly needs to find a long suit in West's hand to have any hope of
making a slam.)
So I'm interested in how more natural systems deal with this sort of
hand and find the right suit to be in.
(Note that the hands here could actually have made a grand slam but only
because the HK was onside, something that E/W have no way of knowing. So
a perfect bidding system should end up in a small slam in clubs.)