2019-01-12 01:13:34 UTC
Had a bunch of hard-to-bid hands yesterday;
MPs, Playing 2/1, Bidding show is just N-S.
North: KQJT2-842-K-A976
South: -AKQT5-AQ8753-Q3
Bidding: N: 1S-2D, 3C-3H, 3NT-??
Naturally I was interested in slam, but with a void and a worthless doubleton, Gerber doesn't help if North has 1 ace and I just don't see any way to ask for the club help.
North had 973-K632-K9-AK53. West opened 1D. North didn't TOX because of having only 3 spades. I thought it was okay to TOX with a 3-card suit, but is this one too bad?
Playing new minor forcing.
North: Q732-J862-T65-Q9
South: -AT94-A984-AK762
Bidding: S:1C-1H, 2D-P
I can sympathize with N's passing my forcing bid. What else can she bid?
I was bidding out my points and shape, planning to bid H next.
Maybe I should bid 3H instead of 2D?
N: KQ92-KJ952-K-A65
S: 74-A86-AJ652-JT4
Bidding: S:P-1H, 2D-3NT
Everyone else was in hearts and we got 33%.
I thought that 3H (instead of 2D) would be a 4-card limit raise.
I have 11 points in support of hearts, so I hated to just bid 2H.
A reverse by N is an overbid and 2NT seems like an underbid.
MPs, Playing 2/1, Bidding show is just N-S.
North: KQJT2-842-K-A976
South: -AKQT5-AQ8753-Q3
Bidding: N: 1S-2D, 3C-3H, 3NT-??
Naturally I was interested in slam, but with a void and a worthless doubleton, Gerber doesn't help if North has 1 ace and I just don't see any way to ask for the club help.
North had 973-K632-K9-AK53. West opened 1D. North didn't TOX because of having only 3 spades. I thought it was okay to TOX with a 3-card suit, but is this one too bad?
Playing new minor forcing.
North: Q732-J862-T65-Q9
South: -AT94-A984-AK762
Bidding: S:1C-1H, 2D-P
I can sympathize with N's passing my forcing bid. What else can she bid?
I was bidding out my points and shape, planning to bid H next.
Maybe I should bid 3H instead of 2D?
N: KQ92-KJ952-K-A65
S: 74-A86-AJ652-JT4
Bidding: S:P-1H, 2D-3NT
Everyone else was in hearts and we got 33%.
I thought that 3H (instead of 2D) would be a 4-card limit raise.
I have 11 points in support of hearts, so I hated to just bid 2H.
A reverse by N is an overbid and 2NT seems like an underbid.