Post by ***@verizon.netPost by KWSchneiderPost by ***@verizon.netPost by T NemliogluPost by Dave Flower1C 1S pass 2C(Sound raise to 3S)
I'd take it as lead directing; a good club suit.
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Yes, lead-directing.
But strain not to do it. Aid and comfort to enemy.
If your partner refuses to lead your suit unless you double, find another partner.
I'm not likely to lead clubs after a 1C opening unless there is other
evidence that it makes sense. I wasn't aware that you only opened 1m
when you wanted the suit lead...
You seem to be saying that a club opening actively discourages the
lead. That is mad. At the least, there is an element of restricted choice.
Doubling the cue bid does not say it's OK to lead clubs. It requests
a club lead even if another suit seems more attractive.
I think this might come down to system.
At one extreme, if the opener's playing a 4 card major system (e.g.
Acol), then 1C shows genuine clubs by itself. So doubling the cue bid
shows not only that the clubs make a particularly good lead, but
possibly shows more strength than expected from the 1C opening (and
maybe suggests that the responder compete in clubs if they have a
suitable holding).
The other extreme would be if the 1C lead were entirely artificial (e.g.
Precision), but even with a "short club" system (with 1C nonforcing
and suggesting that no higher bid is available, but guaranteeing only
2 clubs), the 1C bid doesn't necessarily suggest much in clubs. In that
case, the double therefore simply suggests that the hand actually has
clubs, without showing extra strength or a particularly binding lead
direction. It's still suggesting clubs as a suit to lead, but with
much less conviction than the Acol version.
Systems that use a "better minor" interpretation of 1C are somewhere
between these; in that case, the 1C bid guarantees that the clubs are
better than diamonds and that no five-card major exists, but that could
still be a fairly shabby club suit. (Presumably the opener either has
genuine clubs or was planning to rebid 1NT, so the interpretation of the
bid may well depend on the notrumps range too.)