Post by Nigel DuttonPartner opens 1H and you respond 1S (I hope).
!H natural system 4+
Your bid now when partner rebids 2H
Your bid now when partner rebids 3H
Nigel Dutton - Perth WA
This is a great example to support playing Fit Showing Jumps. Game force, strong side suit, and 3+ card fit for partner, all in a single bid. Partner can take control and you only need to answer questions.
After 1H-1S; 2H, 3H is an overbid, and 4H is an underbid. Your best contract may be in spades, but you will either need to hide your support for partner, or never show the strength on your spade suit. Give partner the magic hand. like:
Ax, AQxxxx, XX Axx and you are cold for 6S, but 6H may depend on a non diamond lead.
With your standard bidding system, I need to know what options you have to force over 2H. over 3H, you have trouble, since 4D may get a lead directing double, or overstate your values with so much in spades, and so little is side suit controls to support any heart slam.