2018-05-12 12:11:22 UTC
Over the last 18 months, I have seen a significant deterioration in my bridge results, and it is hampering my enjoyment of the game. Several times in a session I make what I think is a sound move based on logical inference only to end up being punished for it over and over again. I have tried a couple of strategies to address this, firstly try to get games with strong players and see if they can identify anything I am consistently doing wrong. Secondly, look at the boards I did badly on and think whether I missed something at the table, or whether the opponents did something different to everyone else which happened to work. The result of the former is that whilst there is always something duriung a sessioon I could have done better on any one particular hand, nothing has been said regaring my (lack) of ability, it seems to be shrugged off as randomness. In the latter case, sometimes it helps to look at a hand afterwards and sometimes I can see what I could have done differently, but much of the time, even if there was something I could have done better, I can't find a logical deduction in real time that would lead me to the optimal solution. I feel like I am facing an unsolvable problem, which is leaving me frequently frustrated and going home at the end feeling low. There must be a cause and effect somewhere but I can't find it. The last resort is to find another hobby, but I would prefer first to see if there is a way to prevent the constant poor results getting to me so much (such as stone dead last in a not particularly special county event a couple of weeks ago, and yet another sub-50% score at the local club yesterday evening). Any ideas would be welcome.