Post by a***
P 1S
P 2D P 2H
P 3H P 4S
Your lead.
I want to know if W is a decent player or not (ie can I trust his
bidding?) and also if it is IMP or MP scoring.
A decent W will have about 6+ spades and less than 4 hearts with some
slam ambitions which faded after E did nothing helpful over the forcing
2H bid. My best chance to beat it is partner having 2 tricks and a
heart ruff so I defend on the basis the oppo have a 4-3 heart fit and
lead a low heart in the hope partner can win the first trump, play a
heart to my ace, get a ruff and cash or wait for another trick in a minor.
If W is a weak player I will assume they have a 4-4 heart fit and start
with A and another heart.