Post by ais523Post by a***
I don't like picking these 4432 or 4423 hands playing 5 card majors,
holding two four card majors and cannot mention either of them
1C 1D 1S 3D
Assuming the 1S bid could be four, do you bid 3S or pass?
How strong is the 1S free bid? It only needs to be 9+ or so to make it
fairly likely that 3S makes even opposite four spades, regardless of
whether 3D makes (especially as West is probably short of spades); you
won't get a decent penalty undoubled at none vul. If it does make, you
should probably be bidding it.
X also seems like a reasonable bid here, subject to agreement on what
it means. 3DX is probably the correct place to play if partner has
four spades (and not four hearts), 3S or 4S if partner has five spades
or four hearts. So if it shows a hand fairly like this one, and in
many partnerships it would (although perhaps with one fewer spade), it
seems like the best bid for the circumstance. Note that it doesn't
matter if the double is misinterpreted as showing four hearts, as a)
we actually have four hearts and b) can probably correct any heart bid
to spades, unless partner would misinterpret that as forcing.
In an unfamiliar partnership, though, I think I'd bid 3S, which
logically has to show a minimum with four spades; the only debate
about the bid is whether it risks getting too high, not about whether
partner will interpret it correctly. It's pretty likely to make, it
might push the opponents to four, and partner is still unlimited; if
partner happens to be strong, it's much better to show my hand type
now than waiting for partner to reopen.
Standard is 1S shows 5 spades and 6+points as a negative X would hsow 4.