Two part problem, part 2
(too old to reply)
Dave Flower
2017-08-14 17:02:09 UTC
Faced with the dilemma of magnificent controls and pathetic trumps, I took the view that partner would never accept a slam invitation with, probably, no sce first-round controls. I therefore punted 6H;

Partner dealt, opponents vulnerable:
1C(Precision) 1S 2H 2S
3H pass 6H all pass

A J 9 4 3
6 2
K 9 5

8 7 5 4 3
A 10 5
A 10 6 4 2

Opening lead S2

How do you play it ?

Dave Flower
Travis Crump
2017-08-14 18:20:53 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
Faced with the dilemma of magnificent controls and pathetic trumps, I took the view that partner would never accept a slam invitation with, probably, no sce first-round controls. I therefore punted 6H;
1C(Precision) 1S 2H 2S
3H pass 6H all pass
A J 9 4 3
6 2
K 9 5
8 7 5 4 3
A 10 5
A 10 6 4 2
Opening lead S2
How do you play it ?
Dave Flower
ruff, C->9, [diamond back] DA, trump, ruff, trump, ruff, CK, trump, SA,
CA, CT, C6

Need to duck a club early while I still have spade control so I may as
well go all in on 3-2 clubs as I will likely need it anyway. If LHO puts
up an honor at trick 2, I'll win it as I should be able to avoid letting
the spade hand in in that case.

Dave Flower
2017-08-17 10:28:42 UTC
Quite possibly the best line of play; however, there is an alternative:

Trump the spade, trump to dummy, spade ruff, trump to dummy, spade ruff, club to king, Cash last trump, cash SA, finesse C10.

This loses when RHO has CQJx, or LHO has ducked from CJxx.
If gains when RHO has a singleton club honour, or if RHO is 5233, and makes the wrong discard on the HA. Ot also gains if hearts were 41, and RHO holds CQJ

Both lines would have succeeded, as the clubs were 32 with split honours. I took the latter line.

Dave Flower
Post by Dave Flower
Faced with the dilemma of magnificent controls and pathetic trumps, I took the view that partner would never accept a slam invitation with, probably, no sce first-round controls. I therefore punted 6H;
1C(Precision) 1S 2H 2S
3H pass 6H all pass
A J 9 4 3
6 2
K 9 5
8 7 5 4 3
A 10 5
A 10 6 4 2
Opening lead S2
How do you play it ?
Dave Flower
2017-08-17 13:26:34 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
Trump the spade, trump to dummy, spade ruff, trump to dummy, spade ruff, club to king, Cash last trump, cash SA, finesse C10.
This loses when RHO has CQJx, or LHO has ducked from CJxx.
If gains when RHO has a singleton club honour, or if RHO is 5233, and makes the wrong discard on the HA. Ot also gains if hearts were 41, and RHO holds CQJ
Both lines would have succeeded, as the clubs were 32 with split honours. I took the latter line.
Dave Flower
Don't you mean if LHO has singleton club honour, not RHO?
And it also loses if the club honours and split and LHO has 5 spades.
Post by Dave Flower
Post by Dave Flower
Faced with the dilemma of magnificent controls and pathetic trumps, I took the view that partner would never accept a slam invitation with, probably, no sce first-round controls. I therefore punted 6H;
1C(Precision) 1S 2H 2S
3H pass 6H all pass
A J 9 4 3
6 2
K 9 5
8 7 5 4 3
A 10 5
A 10 6 4 2
Opening lead S2
How do you play it ?
Dave Flower
Dave Flower
2017-08-17 14:10:39 UTC
Post by f***@googlemail.com
Post by Dave Flower
Trump the spade, trump to dummy, spade ruff, trump to dummy, spade ruff, club to king, Cash last trump, cash SA, finesse C10.
This loses when RHO has CQJx, or LHO has ducked from CJxx.
If gains when RHO has a singleton club honour, or if RHO is 5233, and makes the wrong discard on the HA. Ot also gains if hearts were 41, and RHO holds CQJ
Both lines would have succeeded, as the clubs were 32 with split honours. I took the latter line.
Dave Flower
Don't you mean if LHO has singleton club honour, not RHO?
No, I mean RHO
Post by f***@googlemail.com
And it also loses if the club honours and split and LHO has 5 spades.
Surely inconsistent with the bidding

Dave Flower
Post by f***@googlemail.com
Post by Dave Flower
Post by Dave Flower
Faced with the dilemma of magnificent controls and pathetic trumps, I took the view that partner would never accept a slam invitation with, probably, no sce first-round controls. I therefore punted 6H;
1C(Precision) 1S 2H 2S
3H pass 6H all pass
A J 9 4 3
6 2
K 9 5
8 7 5 4 3
A 10 5
A 10 6 4 2
Opening lead S2
How do you play it ?
Dave Flower
Robert Chance
2017-08-17 18:01:37 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
This loses when RHO has CQJx, or LHO has ducked from CJxx.
I think you meant "has ducked from CQJxx."
Robert Chance
2017-08-18 12:26:35 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
Trump the spade, trump to dummy, spade ruff, trump to dummy, spade ruff, club to king, Cash last trump, cash SA, finesse C10.
This loses when RHO has CQJx, or LHO has ducked from CJxx.
If gains when RHO has a singleton club honour, or if RHO is 5233, and makes the wrong discard on the HA. Ot also gains if hearts were 41, and RHO holds CQJ
Both lines would have succeeded, as the clubs were 32 with split honours. I took the latter line.
Dave Flower
Post by Dave Flower
Faced with the dilemma of magnificent controls and pathetic trumps, I took the view that partner would never accept a slam invitation with, probably, no sce first-round controls. I therefore punted 6H;
1C(Precision) 1S 2H 2S
3H pass 6H all pass
A J 9 4 3
6 2
K 9 5
8 7 5 4 3
A 10 5
A 10 6 4 2
Opening lead S2
How do you play it ?
Dave Flower
It's close, but I think I prefer Travis's line. Travis makes whenever clubs and hearts are both 3-2, whereas you are going off if East has CQJx. Ignoring the unlikely 4 hearts plus doubleton QJ of clubs in RHO's hand (might RHO not have made a two-suited overcall on this hand, anyway?), Travis is also making on more of the 4-1 club breaks, assuming perfect defence. It comes down to - how likely is LHO to split honours from QJxx when you lead a club up to dummy? My assessment is that this is unlikely on either line, but particularly unlikely on your line.