Post by jogsPost by KWSchneider1) I can run SD and DD simultaneously on the same hands.
2) SD declarer can be made to be various levels - from beginner to better than AX. I can't vary the capability during a simulation unless I run a third concurrent simulation with a differentiated SD declarer.
I'm convinced SD is closer to real ppl results. Use the strongest SD available.
4-4 vs 5-3
With combined 20HCP 5-3 fit should have higher expected tricks.
With combined 32HCP 4-4 fit should have higher expected tricks.
The question is where do the two line cross?
Interesting Results...
44spade and 53 heart fits. 1000 simulations, same hands played 4times. DD44, DD53, SD44, SD53
DD44 = 9.81tricks, sDev = 1.08
DD53 = 9.65, 1.04
SD44 = 9.92, 1.10
SD53 = 9.61, 1.06
So DD predicts a 0.16 trick advantage to a 44fit, whereas SD predicts double, 0.31 trick. What is more interesting is that while there was the expected DD advantage on defense for the 44fit, there was none (in fact a slight benefit to declarer) for the 53fit. (I'm guessing that far too few of us lead trump against 44fits...)
DD44 = 11.70, 0.87
DD53 = 11.59, 0.84
SD44 = 11.70, 0.90
SD53 = 11.49, 0.89
While the advantage diminished, this confirms that 44 is still better than 53, even when the overarching strength is with the declaring side. And as expected, the defensive advantage for DD is decreasing as declarer's assets increase.
This seems to indicate that defending a 44fit is more difficult in real life than a 53 fit - and this is exacerbated by weakening declarer.
I'm currently running an 11vs9 test and will report tonight.
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