2019-05-11 15:55:40 UTC
If partner opens a multi 2D (weak 2H/S, strong with C/D or 21-22 bal), RHO doubles, what is that standard meaning of a jump to 3H?
I tried this yesterday evening, thinking it would show a hand with 3-3 in the majors, pass or correct. Partner thought it was showing a long heart suit and passed, so ended up in a 3-3 fit with a 9 card spade fit on the side (not good). What do you think it should mean? From what I have read, without the double it shows an invitational hand in hearts, or a hand willing to play in 3S, does that stay the same with intervention? I thought bidding the 2H relay would make it easier for LHO to respoond to the double (easier than anyone else who opens a weak two and immediately gets a raise), so tried to shut the opponents out quickly.
I tried this yesterday evening, thinking it would show a hand with 3-3 in the majors, pass or correct. Partner thought it was showing a long heart suit and passed, so ended up in a 3-3 fit with a 9 card spade fit on the side (not good). What do you think it should mean? From what I have read, without the double it shows an invitational hand in hearts, or a hand willing to play in 3S, does that stay the same with intervention? I thought bidding the 2H relay would make it easier for LHO to respoond to the double (easier than anyone else who opens a weak two and immediately gets a raise), so tried to shut the opponents out quickly.