A hand from last Sunday
(too old to reply)
Dave Flower
2017-11-17 11:50:48 UTC
This was the last (of 32) boards.

Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt

10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3

3C pass ?

I bid 4C (do you agree ?)

The bidding proceeded

3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass

I led DA, and dummy came down:

A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5

Plan the defence

Dave Flower
Dave Flower
2017-11-17 11:53:14 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
PS Partner plays DQ
Post by Dave Flower
Dave Flower
Robert Chance
2017-11-17 22:23:08 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
I would have bid 5C, even at this vulnerability. If you bid 4C and then pass them out in four of a major, you could easily be conceding a double game swing (all partner really needs for 5C to make is a singleton heart). If you are not planning to pass them out in four of a major, you should surely bid an immediate 5C.

Defending 5S, my first reaction is to cash the ace of clubs at trick 2 and play a small diamond at trick 3. Give partner, say, Qx Jxx Q KJTxxxx, and this guarantees one down, whereas any other defence gives declarer a chance. Ditto Qx xx Q KJTxxxxx.
Travis Crump
2017-11-18 00:00:35 UTC
Post by Robert Chance
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
I would have bid 5C, even at this vulnerability. If you bid 4C and then pass them out in four of a major, you could easily be conceding a double game swing (all partner really needs for 5C to make is a singleton heart). If you are not planning to pass them out in four of a major, you should surely bid an immediate 5C.
Defending 5S, my first reaction is to cash the ace of clubs at trick 2 and play a small diamond at trick 3. Give partner, say, Qx Jxx Q KJTxxxx, and this guarantees one down, whereas any other defence gives declarer a chance. Ditto Qx xx Q KJTxxxxx.
This was my first thought too, but the more I think about it, the more I
think partner wants a heart ruff. Depends how meaningful you think the
slow 5S bid is. If it is always going to be slow on the last board on
this auction, it means nothing. If it is meaningful, then declarer can't
have a hand that is 5=1=5=2. It is more likely he is 4=4=3=2 and
deciding which major to bid. I'd still cash the CA first though and not
worry about the 2nd undoubled nv undertrick. On the other hand, if that
is partner's hand, we've missed 6 and the defense might not matter.
Will in New Haven
2017-11-18 07:33:27 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
No. Game should have some play and partner, at least my partner, is not going to bid 5C over my 4C.
Post by Dave Flower
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
I cash the Ace of Clubs and see if partner ruffs my low Diomand.
Will in Pompano
Dave Flower
2017-11-20 20:43:59 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
I agree that there is a strong case for bidding 5C; I was scared of conceding 500 when we had no game
Post by Dave Flower
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
Partner's DQ is either a singleton or suit preference for hearts. The way to find out which is to cash the CA. Partner drops the CK, and now the heart switch is obvious.

Down one proved to be a good score: all twelve tables played in a major suit game contract, two went down, and all the rest made, including two doubled!

4C worked out well for a strange reason, as it meant the opponents played in spades, which was beatable as opposed to 4H or 5H which were cold.

Dave Flower
2017-11-21 03:04:30 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
I agree that there is a strong case for bidding 5C; I was scared of conceding 500 when we had no game
Post by Dave Flower
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
Partner's DQ is either a singleton or suit preference for hearts. The way to find out which is to cash the CA. Partner drops the CK, and now the heart switch is obvious.
Down one proved to be a good score: all twelve tables played in a major suit game contract, two went down, and all the rest made, including two doubled!
4C worked out well for a strange reason, as it meant the opponents played in spades, which was beatable as opposed to 4H or 5H which were cold.
Dave Flower
So 6C was cold, yes?
Dave Flower
2017-11-21 11:06:03 UTC
Partner's hand was:
Q 6
Q 9 4 3
K J 10 7 6 5 4
so 6C (or 6D) was cold, but nobody got there.

I do not consider 3C a poor bid, as the hand has no defence against a major suit contract

Dave Flower
Post by Player
Post by Dave Flower
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
I agree that there is a strong case for bidding 5C; I was scared of conceding 500 when we had no game
Post by Dave Flower
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
Partner's DQ is either a singleton or suit preference for hearts. The way to find out which is to cash the CA. Partner drops the CK, and now the heart switch is obvious.
Down one proved to be a good score: all twelve tables played in a major suit game contract, two went down, and all the rest made, including two doubled!
4C worked out well for a strange reason, as it meant the opponents played in spades, which was beatable as opposed to 4H or 5H which were cold.
Dave Flower
So 6C was cold, yes?
2017-11-24 01:25:18 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
Q 6
Q 9 4 3
K J 10 7 6 5 4
so 6C (or 6D) was cold, but nobody got there.
I do not consider 3C a poor bid, as the hand has no defence against a major suit contract
Dave Flower
Post by Player
Post by Dave Flower
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
I agree that there is a strong case for bidding 5C; I was scared of conceding 500 when we had no game
Post by Dave Flower
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
Partner's DQ is either a singleton or suit preference for hearts. The way to find out which is to cash the CA. Partner drops the CK, and now the heart switch is obvious.
Down one proved to be a good score: all twelve tables played in a major suit game contract, two went down, and all the rest made, including two doubled!
4C worked out well for a strange reason, as it meant the opponents played in spades, which was beatable as opposed to 4H or 5H which were cold.
Dave Flower
So 6C was cold, yes?
That shows how bad the 4C bid was, doesn't it? A real nothing bid!
2017-11-21 02:37:52 UTC
No I do not agree. 4C is a nothing bid. I would bid 5C.
2017-11-21 04:51:13 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
Apparently, no one but me is surprised that partner would pre-empt with a terrible suit at unfavorable vul.

How can that be?

If that is common, maybe doubles should be penalty.

Dave Flower
2017-11-21 11:05:17 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
Sandy Barnes
2017-12-06 01:05:28 UTC
Post by Dave Flower
This was the last (of 32) boards.
Inter-county match, IMPs, vul v. non-vul, partner dealt
10 3 2
A K 10 8 5 2
A Q 3
3C pass ?
I bid 4C (do you agree ?)
The bidding proceeded
3C pass 4C 5C(majors)
pass 5S(slow) all pass
A K 10 5 2
A Q 9 7 6 5
Plan the defence
Dave Flower
I cash both minor aces, then lead my trump.
