Post by Douglas NewlandsPost by P***@yahoo.comMatchpoints, Favorable Vulnerability
S: J9632
H: AK92
D: Q52
C: 9
S: A5
H: QT765
D: 84
C: A543
Should anyone open?
I have avoided this thread because I don't play and
don't like 2/1GF. The associated perception
that openers have to be sound doesn't appeal to
me either. I know others will disagree.
In a non 2/1GF method, I would open 1S because
I have both majors, can conveniently bid both,
have 7 losers and 2 defensive tricks.
I guess the auction would start 1S-1N-2H and
partner would bid 4H at teams but probably only 3H
at pairs.
While a spade lead may be uncomfortable if you end up
defending, you will feel much happier anytime the
auction starts 1S-P-2S.
I have avoided this thread because I don't play and don't like 2/1GF...
Doug: I truly LIKE to read your expert opinion on this cracked 2/1GF frenzy. Of course, I do understand the advantages of it, in case the framework conditions are favourable (good holdings, weak oppts/no oppt intervention, "aligned" partnership, etc), but if not ... lots of misunderstandings, lots of diverging "sub"systems, lots of compromises... (see the frequent discussions here on RGB). Thus, it seems a system for well-rehearsed, and knowledgeable partnerships only...
Post by Douglas NewlandsIn a non 2/1GF method, I would open 1S because I have both majors, can conveniently bid both...
Me too, in case the partnership agreed on opening lighter, especially when holding both MM! I can't see the "pile of trash" (quote) others see in this holding, of course it would be better the J and the Q would be exchanged between S and D, but you can't have everything! And it's about the opening, not about a missed, "lucky" full game in the end...
As far as the reference to "Richard Pavlicek compared hands..." for light H or S openings in first or second seat is concerned, I would understand that his focus was collectively on ALL kinds of M opening situations (incl. one-suiters, Flannery situations, even less-than-4c holdings, ...), but he did NOT present a SEPARATE consideration of the heightened advantages of having BOTH 5(+)S-4(+)H available for the further bidding... And THIS should strongly influence the conclusions for "such" openings...!