Post by a*** by a*** by a***
All vuln, cross-imp pairs.
LHO and partner pass, RHO opens a weak 2H. Your bid?
At the table I doubled (thought 3NT was too much of a punt). The
bidding continued 3H on my left, passed round to me. What to do now?
Post by a*** had a think, considered either double again or 4D. Decided against
the double, as I was not sure how partner would interpret it. I bid 4D
which became the final contract. I went one off, but 3NT is cold because
partner held Kxx in diamonds. I could have made 4D but misplayed it.One
pair found 3NT and another found 4S.
Post by a***
J9643 A85
T42 A9
K94 AQJ863
92 A5
On the first round, I admit I thought I had 7 diamonds when I bid 3NT
(although I still think it is the right call). A jump to 3NT shows a
strong hand with a long minor - strong balanced hands usually double
then bid 3NT
Having doubled on the first round, your 4D bid on the second is just
wrong. Playing cross-imps, I think you have to double again or bid 3NT.
It's very difficult to construct hands that are making 4D, not making
3NT, and not taking at least 100 out of 3H - it's not matchpoints; +100
instead of +130 is a tiny loss. If partner is raising diamonds, then
why are we not making 3NT?
On the actual hand, make partner's king in any suit and 3NT was still making.
Doubling again would have led to a slightly fortunate making 4S contract
I double and double again.
4S on the way to 5D. The suit quality for 4S is limited by failure to bid
3S on the previous round.
After the second double, it is not so clear to force to game in spades.
Maybe just ... X (P) 3S (P) 3NT showing that the spades are not so good.
This will find game, but not in spades.