Post by Howard WachtelMatchpoints, 2/1, E/W vul.
North opens 1D. East doubles,
I'd have bid 1S, but I realize that's a minority view.
And this time 1S wouldn't have worked nearly as well as double.
Post by Howard Wachtel(a) What would you bid as West at this point?
While it worries me to disagree with Frances, the hand seems too strong
for 4H. Why shouldn't East hold Jxxx Axxx x AKxx or Jxxx Axxx Ax KJx or
many similar minimum hands? The key question for slam is whether East
has a lot wasted in spades or not. Also, if opponents bid 4S, I want
our passes to be forcing to help with the 4Sx/5H decision.
I'm going to cue bid and force to 4H, thereby giving at least a mild
slam invitation. I'll show the club suit if I can to help partner judge
prospects. For me the cue bid is 2S, but for some people it will be 2D.
Post by Howard Wachtel(b) Suppose that West now bids 4H and North passes. What would be your call as East?
Again disagreeing with Frances: grand slam seems possible even with my
weaker version of what a 4H bid might look like. I'm expecting seven
hearts to the KQ and out, but unless opponents are guaranteed sound
bidders, he might have another card. Even with the minimum, grand isn't
I'm going to use Blackwood and then tell partner we have all the
keycards (if we do, as seems likely). Partner can take it from there.
Most days we end up in the same 6H as Frances, but we get to the grand
opposite the actual West hand. Perhaps I'm too influenced by having
seen the West hand, though.