2016-08-13 15:45:12 UTC
A partner loaned me a copy of Mike Lawrence's "Workbook on the Two Over One System". I'm finding that while I favor his general approach as compared to Hardy, I would bid many hands differently. His first example in Ch 3 concerns notrump stoppers:
Opener has J9865 A2 AKJ 875 and avoided rebidding 2NT for lack of a club stopper. Looking ahead to responder's point of view, he gives a similar auction:
where responder has 42 965 KQJ106 AQJ. So apparently neither player will rebid notrump with xxx in a side suit, though Jxx may suffice. We can;t match those two hands up, but how about:
J9865 AQ
A2 KQ1074
875 963
Perhaps we should not be in game, but it doesn't seem practical to stop short. Although 3NT could be down on five or six club tricks off the top, mu guess is that 3NT will make more often than 4H or 4S, especially since no one overcalled in clubs. We could weaken either hand by a point and I still suspect 3NT will have better chances than a major.
Some questions, playing a 2/1 game force style with opener's rebid of his suit not promising six:
(1) Would you rebid 2NT or 2S as opener? (3D would show extras by agreement.)
(2) Assuming opener rebid 2S, what would you rebid as responder?
(3) After 1S-2H; 2S-2NT, what would you rebid as opener?
If anyone cares to run DD or SD simulations on the combined (West/East) hands with restrictions on North to reflect the lack of an overcall or takeout double, that would be appreciated.
Opener has J9865 A2 AKJ 875 and avoided rebidding 2NT for lack of a club stopper. Looking ahead to responder's point of view, he gives a similar auction:
where responder has 42 965 KQJ106 AQJ. So apparently neither player will rebid notrump with xxx in a side suit, though Jxx may suffice. We can;t match those two hands up, but how about:
J9865 AQ
A2 KQ1074
875 963
Perhaps we should not be in game, but it doesn't seem practical to stop short. Although 3NT could be down on five or six club tricks off the top, mu guess is that 3NT will make more often than 4H or 4S, especially since no one overcalled in clubs. We could weaken either hand by a point and I still suspect 3NT will have better chances than a major.
Some questions, playing a 2/1 game force style with opener's rebid of his suit not promising six:
(1) Would you rebid 2NT or 2S as opener? (3D would show extras by agreement.)
(2) Assuming opener rebid 2S, what would you rebid as responder?
(3) After 1S-2H; 2S-2NT, what would you rebid as opener?
If anyone cares to run DD or SD simulations on the combined (West/East) hands with restrictions on North to reflect the lack of an overcall or takeout double, that would be appreciated.