Post by Adam LeaPost by H Silva!S A J 10 8 5
!H K 10 9 7 6 4
!D 10
!C J
I was the dealer and opened this hand with 1 !S. My partner had 18
honor points and we ended up in a 5 !H contract, 1 down, whilst 4 !S
or 5 !H would be made...
We play SAYC and I am not sure if I did right openning 1 !S and I
would like to know your opinion: - should I open 1 !H? 2 !H? Pass?
Thank you,
H Silva
It looks like one of those hands where what the right thing to do could
be any one of several options based on what the overall layout is. I can
appreciate the 1S opening, and I would open 1S if I was going to open
this hand. How did you get to 5H? Were you pushed by aggressive
opponents holding both minors or did partner try for a slam? If partner
went slamming and that just happened to put you one level too high, then
that is a risk you take when you open light. Your description of what
happened is contradictory, "we ended up in a 5 !H contract" is not
consistent with "4 !S or 5 !H would be made". Do you mean you were in
5S, not 5H?
Another option with this hand is to pass first then come in next time
with a two suited overcall if you have this tool. This has the advantage
of getting the hand off your chest in one bid (partner will know you are
single digit HCP from your failure to open), but has the disadvantage
that if LHO opens and RHO jump raises, you are shut out of the auction.
You take your choice, and hope the cards lie well for you. It sounds
like you were rather unlucky, as if partner has 18 HCP and a double fit
in the majors with you, he must have a lot of wasted values in the
minors for 5S or a slam to be down, or it is something like two finesses
wrong or a 5-0 trump break.
BTW, most people on this group are much better players than me, so don't
take the above as being particularly authoritive, I'm merely giving my
thoughts on the information provided.