Post by a*** novice was surprised by the opening, and didn't know what to do,
and eventually bid 2NT. This was passed round to South who bid 3D,
passed out. 3D went two off for a 20% score EW, the traveller was all
over the place.
KQJ2 76
KJ4 T97
A J97
AQ762 98543
EW can make 5C thanks to the fortunate club layout, although it is
difficult to see how they get there after South opens. One pair did
find 5C, and a couple of others ended up in 3NT, one making 11 tricks,
the other making 7 tricks.
If W had passed the 2C opening, which is what the consensus in this
thread seems to be, the auction would start (2C), P, (2D), P; (2NT), X.
Nobody's vulnerable, so if NS pass the double out, EW profit if 2NT goes
down at least 3, which seems pretty much inevitable on this sequence. I
don't think E will run here (no suits have been bid, so W's double is
penalty; E will probably assume that W is doubling due to a solid suit,
but has no reason to pull). It is, however, possible that N will run,
which would be the correct move given the actual layout, but I'm not
sure N has enough information to risk it.
S is taking a huge risk opening 2C with only 18 HCP (three of which are
a singleton K), so W needs to pass in order to be able to punish them
for it. W shouldn't care about making game after this start; the
penalty will almost always be worth more (except possibly at
unfavourable vulnerability). I guess a practiced NS partnership might
find the escape to 3D after the penalty double, but few partnerships
have agreed runouts after 2C, 2D; 2NT, (X=penalty)!
Incidentally, the actual bidding sequence gives another reason to pass:
in most bidding systems, South's 3D would force North to bid again. The
2NT bid adds confusion that increases the chance of the opponents
stopping low, which is the last thing you want in this situation. (If
West passes 2C, and North subsequently passes 3D, West is probably
justified in calling the director for misinformation due to lack of
alerts, as 2C or 3D or both would have to have a highly unusual meaning
for that sequence to be possible. With West's 2NT bid, the situation is
a lot less clear.)