Post by Player1D (P) 1H (P)
1S (P) 4D
What does this sequence mean to you?
In ancient Acol, I'd have expected 4cH, longer D, non-forcing but highly
encouraging. Nowadays, I'd expect the same but forcing, and H could be
a 5c suit. I was surprised to read Lorne's and Frances' answers (though
one of Frances' possibilities was essentially the above).
In the US, a splinter for S might be the most common agreement, though I
personally don't play that and wouldn't expect it online. The
alternative would be natural, as above.
As Frances and others have indicated, a lot depends on your other
agreements: what would an initial 2D or 2H show or deny? (Not everyone
requires a 5c suit for a SJS, and if you play "Soloway" or similar, not
all strong hands start with a SJS. In particular, some hands are too
strong for SJS.)
As Rainer wrote, if 4D is natural, to agree spades when not holding a
singleton club, bid 2C fourth-suit, then bid spades. For me, 2C
followed by a _jump_ in spades would show diamond shortness; with
4=4=(23) or similar, I'd rebid spades at the cheapest level then (in
most auctions) bid them again later.
As several people have mentioned, using this sequence online is risky,
but from what I understand, _any_ sequence can be risky online.