Post by Charles BrennerPost by Con Reeder, unhyphenated AmericanPost by Dave FlowerPost by Dave FlowerA K 10 9 4 2
A J 10 2
9 7
1H pass 1S 2D
2H pass ?
Dave Flower
PS 2S would not be forcing
Well the only votes are for 3D, as the least bad bid.
Well, I did bid 3D, partner bid 3S, and I raised to 4S
Q 5
A K 9 5 3
Q 6 5 3 2
A K 10 9 4 2
A J 10 2
9 7
Plan the play (RHO follows with D5 at trick 1)
I think I'm in a pretty good contract with a normal lead. My main
worry is 7-1 diamonds in which case an overruff defeats me.
The problem with playing for 6-2 diamonds is I will have a chancy
hand re-entry even if the low ruff wins and I can cash the SQ.
So I like winning DA, ruffing D with SQ, two rounds of hearts pitching
a club, then a spade to the AK. If the SJ doesn't drop, I force out
the DQ and take my 10 tricks.
That works if the trumps break. I'm worried about a singleton diamond too, but I'm also worried about a singleton spade. An interesting ruse is
dJ at trick 2. Will LHO duck? I don't see how. Assume cover & ruff
high. Now, especially if RHO shows out, finesse the trump. If LHO
follows small, even with a singleton, I'm playing for uptricks. If LHO
shows out I still have chances.
Then if W wins the SJ then you can be down with two clubs and a
diamond ruff. It does take an underlead of West's (presumed)
A or K of clubs, but a good defender will do it.
Your line wins on 4-1 spades (with no stiff J). I thought about
this as well, but decided that was not as likely as 3-2 spades plus
the stiff DJ. I might make that decision if diamonds were 7-1.
If spades are 4-1 I can still play for the scissors coup with three
rounds of hearts, hoping for 5-2 hearts or QT with east, although that
becomes somewhat less likely of course.
Software axiom: Lack of speed kills.