Post by PlayerWhite vs Red. Pd might even have a decent 4 card suit here.
Yes, but if so he shouldn't hold a minimum overcall.
Post by PlayerHe may well have a pile of crap with 5 pieces
_My_ partners would bid 2S with that or pass. What's the point of a
non-space-consuming overcall with crap?
Post by PlayerI think that by pure logic, a 3D bid must imply spade tolerance,
if not an outright fit.
Could you please expand on that logic? What is advancer to do with
something like x Axx AQJxxx Qxx or a similar but stronger hand if not
bid 3D? You can cue bid if that doesn't promise spade support, but I
think that's a minority approach. If you do treat 3D as non-forcing,
what do you do with x xxx KQJxxxx Qx ? 3D (or more!) may be cold, so
passing is risky.
With the actual hand (742 void KQJT87 6542) I'd consider a fit-jump to
4D even though the hand is under-strength. The alternative looks like a
preemptive raise to 3S.