2018-11-29 17:37:49 UTC
Law 68 on claims and concessions says in B2:
"if a defender attempts to concede one or more tricks and his partner immediately objects; NEITHER A CONCESSION NOR A CLAIM HAS OCCURRED. Unauthorized information may exist, so the Director should be summoned immediately. PLAY CONTINUES." [Emphasis mine.]
Section D2b says:
"upon the request of the non-claiming or non-conceding side, play MAY continue
subject to the following:
(i) ALL FOUR PLAYERS MUST CONCUR; otherwise the Director is summoned..."
In addition, section C says:
"The player making the claim or concession faces his hand."
This does not fit well with B2's statements regarding unauthorized information and that play continues.
Finally, Law 69, section B2 says:
"if a player has agreed to the loss of a trick that his side would likely have won HAD THE PLAY CONTINUED... the board is rescored with such trick awarded to his side."
Again, this does not fit will with 68.B2 which states matter of factly that play continues and that, in fact, a concession has not even occurred.
This situation came up in a recent event and cost the declarer a trick when play was not allowed to continue.
Am I missing something in the way these rules are written?
"if a defender attempts to concede one or more tricks and his partner immediately objects; NEITHER A CONCESSION NOR A CLAIM HAS OCCURRED. Unauthorized information may exist, so the Director should be summoned immediately. PLAY CONTINUES." [Emphasis mine.]
Section D2b says:
"upon the request of the non-claiming or non-conceding side, play MAY continue
subject to the following:
(i) ALL FOUR PLAYERS MUST CONCUR; otherwise the Director is summoned..."
In addition, section C says:
"The player making the claim or concession faces his hand."
This does not fit well with B2's statements regarding unauthorized information and that play continues.
Finally, Law 69, section B2 says:
"if a player has agreed to the loss of a trick that his side would likely have won HAD THE PLAY CONTINUED... the board is rescored with such trick awarded to his side."
Again, this does not fit will with 68.B2 which states matter of factly that play continues and that, in fact, a concession has not even occurred.
This situation came up in a recent event and cost the declarer a trick when play was not allowed to continue.
Am I missing something in the way these rules are written?