Post by Sandy BarnesPost by Sandy BarnesPost by Eddie GroveI bid to a hopeless game. Playing your favorite system, would any of you
have managed to stop at the two level?
Pairs, neither vul, uncontested, W deals.
KJ982 AQ5
QJ5 T4
JT64 952
It's too convenient that the opponents don't bid. They make 2H quite
often, so should be bidding 3H a little more often if you find a cosy 2S
or 2NT. 2S should lose anway. 2NT is cold, but 2S isn't. 2NT always
scores better than 2S. Against 3HX, you have at most 2S 1H and 3D for
down 2, but a singleton spade or doubleton diamond gives play for down 1.
3NT is difficult to defend, at least if West bids clubs. 2S is easy
to defend, sometimes for down 1, especially if West doesn't bid clubs.
Surely the opponents can find a bid over this. Then you can pass again
and sit there misdefending, or bid the inferior 2S, and never get near
2NT, and guess wrong again over 3H.
Note that the opponents do OK taking this out even though you have
enough schmoints to make 3NT on misdefense. Their bidding won't help
you find 2/3NT later.
Post by Sandy BarnesPost by Sandy BarnesWhy pass the West hand? Stiff ace is a weak holding, making the
defense even weaker than it is with 1.5 QT. Put the ace with length, it
is an opener, even with the weak defense, due to the spade suit playing
KJ982 AQ5
QJ5 T4
A 952
JT64 KQ985
Come to think of it, you may even pass it out !
Actually, it is a bad game. Better pass it out :-) It needs 2-2 clubs
which is 41%. It is Unauthorized Information that the opponents will not
contest so clubs are more likely to break than a priori.
In a weak matchpoint field, it might be right to bid conservatively to
go plus. Lots of bidding theory is based on finding games at imps when
going down often is not a problem. This doesn't apply in weak matchpoint
fields. In not so weak matchpoint fields, you need to find NT more often
so should have methods to find it, but plus in 2S is good enough in a weak
A colder game with low needs club shortness with no wastage in East. E.g.,
AQxx Kxxx xxx xx. It needs the 4th spade. At imps, the 4th spade doesn't
need to be the Q, and a 5th spade would make game cold. East might be
happy to pass with Axxx Kxxx xxx xx or Axxxx Kxxx xx xx or Qxxxx Kxx xxxx x.
But these perfect fitting hands are unlikely, so it doesn't matter much that
conservative bidding misses games with them.