Another fun BBO hand
(too old to reply)
2017-02-01 04:09:30 UTC
Playing with someone who appears to be a good partner, you pick up the following:
NV vs vul Imps


3H (x) ?

So, what do you bid?
Berti Rupsli
2017-02-01 11:00:17 UTC
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
If 3H is "reliable" then I'd bid 5H.

Berti Rupsli
2017-02-02 13:46:02 UTC
Post by Berti Rupsli
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
If 3H is "reliable" then I'd bid 5H.
It's good my first reaction referred to op's "reliable" 3H opening... IMO it's staggering what kind of bids or their interpretation seem thinkable here in the opinion of some! I feel that's more like playing Poker. Bridge is a partnership game, is a partnership game, is a partnership game (compare Ferengi rule of acquisition #17)!!! If your main intention is to deceive your partner, so be it. But is this really the modern, successful approach for playing Bridge? And is a more reliable partnership bidding style really "poor to demented" (quote)??? Isn't it no longer best to listen (primarily) to each pd's bids in order to find the best defence line?

Opening 3H (in 1st seat) shows a 7card holding (and "nothing" else), this is a regular standard agreement - if you break it, it's YOUR fault if your pd then miscalculates the success chances of a sac!

I do understand the idea of overcalling 3NT as a psyche (after 3H-X-), pd has nothing to say any more, and you can easily escape a DBL (into H), and if oppts are unable enough they will then forget to bid their 4S... But it also opens them chances to easily find their foreseeable D fit! Unless you are crazy enough to escape into 4D here (which they should let you play then!!!). But agreed, provided this is your style, there is a certain chance they will not DBL your 3NT psyche...

But what would an overcall of 4H mean - just like "hey, I'm sitting at the table!" ??? Should this have any effect on oppts' bidding here? Or would you feel your (long) holding of S:8xxx should considerably decrease chances for a 4S bid by LHO?
Considering pd's weak 3H opening (if it's reliable!) and your own holding you can see max 3 tricks for your side. Why let them find their 4S fit easily? And as Ron showed, a direct 5H might still have been best here, as it might have prevented them from finding their (cold) S- or D-games...

Berti Rupsli
2017-02-02 14:12:06 UTC
Post by Berti Rupsli
Post by Berti Rupsli
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
If 3H is "reliable" then I'd bid 5H.
It's good my first reaction referred to op's "reliable" 3H opening... IMO it's staggering what kind of bids or their interpretation seem thinkable here in the opinion of some! I feel that's more like playing Poker. Bridge is a partnership game, is a partnership game, is a partnership game (compare Ferengi rule of acquisition #17)!!! If your main intention is to deceive your partner, so be it. But is this really the modern, successful approach for playing Bridge? And is a more reliable partnership bidding style really "poor to demented" (quote)??? Isn't it no longer best to listen (primarily) to each pd's bids in order to find the best defence line?
Opening 3H (in 1st seat) shows a 7card holding (and "nothing" else), this is a regular standard agreement - if you break it, it's YOUR fault if your pd then miscalculates the success chances of a sac!
I do understand the idea of overcalling 3NT as a psyche (after 3H-X-), pd has nothing to say any more, and you can easily escape a DBL (into H), and if oppts are unable enough they will then forget to bid their 4S... But it also opens them chances to easily find their foreseeable D fit! Unless you are crazy enough to escape into 4D here (which they should let you play then!!!). But agreed, provided this is your style, there is a certain chance they will not DBL your 3NT psyche...
But what would an overcall of 4H mean - just like "hey, I'm sitting at the table!" ??? Should this have any effect on oppts' bidding here? Or would you feel your (long) holding of S:8xxx should considerably decrease chances for a 4S bid by LHO?
Considering pd's weak 3H opening (if it's reliable!) and your own holding you can see max 3 tricks for your side. Why let them find their 4S fit easily? And as Ron showed, a direct 5H might still have been best here, as it might have prevented them from finding their (cold) S- or D-games...
Sorry, miscalculation: it's NV - so, they should not let you play in 4D...;)...
2017-02-01 11:24:07 UTC
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
Since their fit seems to be in diamonds I bid a boring 4H.
If they find their diamond fit I retain the option of bidding on.
It is anything but clear whether opponents can make any high level contract and whether they will find their strain.
Also at these colors a good player will often preempt with 3H on a good six
card suit. With a good seven card suit lacking the ace and a shortage in spades I would expect a good player to open 4H white against red

It would not surprise me if we are allowed to play in 4H a fair amount of time.
Douglas Newlands
2017-02-01 12:18:18 UTC
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
Fun game?
3NT then.

Lorne Anderson
2017-02-01 12:18:40 UTC
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
I would bid 5H and pass anything they bid over it although I expect to
be putting dummy down and conceding 300 or 500.

As it is BBO and the oppo may be weak there maybe upside to 3N but I
have never seen it work and last time somebody tried it against me it
allowed us to find a slam that would have been missed after a raise (I
play 4S as a slam try after they bid 3N, with only game ambitions or a
desire to defend I double first then bid 4S or double again so partner
knows not to go to 5S if they bid again).
2017-02-01 15:12:22 UTC
Post by Lorne Anderson
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
I would bid 5H and pass anything they bid over it although I expect to
be putting dummy down and conceding 300 or 500.
As it is BBO and the oppo may be weak there maybe upside to 3N but I
have never seen it work and last time somebody tried it against me it
allowed us to find a slam that would have been missed after a raise (I
play 4S as a slam try after they bid 3N, with only game ambitions or a
desire to defend I double first then bid 4S or double again so partner
knows not to go to 5S if they bid again).
I hate 3NT. Makes it easier for opponents to find diamonds.
If pard is 7321, he is more likely to hold 3 diamonds than 3 clubs.
Maybe opponents will misguess the diamond queen. Not possible to know whether opponents will make 10, 11, or 12 tricks. Is it possible we only make 9 tricks in hearts? We just don't know.
So it is either 4H or 5H. Either way just bid once.
Co Wiersma
2017-02-01 17:09:48 UTC
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
No fun for me, I guess I just bid 4H
I would not consider 5H
I may consider pass against bad players
As maybe they end up in 3S or 4D

Co Wiersma
2017-02-01 19:53:27 UTC
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
4NT. Because my defense will be easier.

2017-02-02 04:22:14 UTC
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
2017-02-02 05:42:52 UTC
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Adam Lea
2017-02-02 09:04:18 UTC
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
I can see the point of psyching a strong bid, I would be tempted at one
club I play at, but not the second club. At the latter there was a
stroppy e-mail sent out by the committee telling people not to play
complicated systems and definitely not to psyche, because it is supposed
to be a friendly social club and doing those two things antagonizes
people. There have been complaints frequently about people playing
systems and conventions that are significantly different to what club
players typically play.
Douglas Newlands
2017-02-02 11:46:25 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came
back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was
doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am
curious if anyone else would have?
I can see the point of psyching a strong bid, I would be tempted at one
club I play at, but not the second club. At the latter there was a
stroppy e-mail sent out by the committee telling people not to play
complicated systems and definitely not to psyche, because it is supposed
to be a friendly social club and doing those two things antagonizes
people. There have been complaints frequently about people playing
systems and conventions that are significantly different to what club
players typically play.
But club players typically play systems which vary from poor to
demented. Why would one want to play such a system?
When they know what they are playing that is!
The reason that psyches like 3NT work is that they have no idea what
strength their partner has and listen to the opponents' bidding
to judge what partner has. This is stupid but common and they
don't like it when they get things stupidly wrong and complain
bitterly from the bottom of their hearts.
This kind of bid slaughters them until they learn how to handle it
but club committees make rulings which stop them ever learning.
The club committe then produces an illegal local regulation
to handle the problem.

Adam Lea
2017-02-03 09:11:41 UTC
Post by Douglas Newlands
Post by Adam Lea
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came
back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was
doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am
curious if anyone else would have?
I can see the point of psyching a strong bid, I would be tempted at one
club I play at, but not the second club. At the latter there was a
stroppy e-mail sent out by the committee telling people not to play
complicated systems and definitely not to psyche, because it is supposed
to be a friendly social club and doing those two things antagonizes
people. There have been complaints frequently about people playing
systems and conventions that are significantly different to what club
players typically play.
But club players typically play systems which vary from poor to
demented. Why would one want to play such a system?
When they know what they are playing that is!
The reason that psyches like 3NT work is that they have no idea what
strength their partner has and listen to the opponents' bidding
to judge what partner has. This is stupid but common and they
don't like it when they get things stupidly wrong and complain
bitterly from the bottom of their hearts.
This kind of bid slaughters them until they learn how to handle it
but club committees make rulings which stop them ever learning.
The club committe then produces an illegal local regulation
to handle the problem.
The problem is that those who don't like what they see as obscure
systems and conventions are the ones with the biggest and loudest
mouths, and over time end up being pandered too in order to shut them
up. I have sympathy with the committee, what do you do if a significant
group of people, who see bridge as a social game and don't like what
they see as the cut-throat win at all costs element of the game are
complaining regularly?

I get the impression that there is a subset of people who want the glory
of winning but don't want or can't be bothered to put in the time and
effort required to be competitive, so instead they try to drag others
down (the cynical side of me coming out).

Here is a segment of an e-mail I received from one of the committee:

"Good morning everyone.

The Committee continues to receive complaints from members regarding the
use of so-called ‘unusual’ bidding systems at the Club.

This is a not an issue unique to us, and there continues to be a
strongly held view amongst bridge players that some of the bidding
systems permitted under EBU Level 4, whilst acceptable at competitions
and tournaments, are inappropriate at small local bridge clubs. Indeed,
Sally Brock in her column in The Sunday Times on 24 April 2016 commented
that ”…the bidding that occurs at many championships is so far removed
from what the social or club player would call ‘normal’…’. It is
therefore perhaps not surprising that many players feel that Bridge is
fast becoming a game more akin to poker.

Some bidding systems permitted by the EBU can be quite complicated, some
can be considered ‘aggressive’, and most seem aimed solely at disrupting
the opposition’s ability to bid. What is not in dispute is that they
serve to antagonise those players who hold the view that everyone should
bid, play and conduct themselves fairly and in accordance with the
friendly ethos and spirit of the game. After all, the vast majority
simply want to enjoy a friendly and sociable game.

Like many things in life it is probably impossible to please everyone
all the time, but the Committee has a responsibility to respect and
consider the opinions expressed by our members, the great majority of
whom do not endorse the currently perceived wisdom in the EBU that
‘anything goes’. For example, there have been several instances where
the validity of an opponent’s bid has been questioned only to be met
with a comment along the lines of ‘I can bid what I like’. The fact
that such a statement may not be technically accurate is immaterial; it
is the attitude that is discourteous and inconsistent with a friendly
club environment.

After considerable discussion the Committee has concluded that whilst it
is not right to prevent members from playing any particular legal
bidding system just because it is not universally popular it is in the
best interest of the Club to introduce with immediate effect some
internal rules and guidelines aimed at avoiding further complaints and
eliminate ongoing underlying antagonism."
Robert Chance
2017-02-06 12:56:05 UTC
Post by Adam Lea
After considerable discussion the Committee has concluded that whilst it
is not right to prevent members from playing any particular legal
bidding system just because it is not universally popular it is in the
best interest of the Club to introduce with immediate effect some
internal rules and guidelines aimed at avoiding further complaints and
eliminate ongoing underlying antagonism."
I'm unsure of the current EBU regulations regarding this sort of thing, but from a moral perspective it seems entirely reasonable for a club to make this sort of internal rule for certain events.

Just as long as the club doesn't issue any master points for those events.
Adam Lea
2017-02-07 00:13:39 UTC
Post by Robert Chance
Post by Adam Lea
After considerable discussion the Committee has concluded that whilst it
is not right to prevent members from playing any particular legal
bidding system just because it is not universally popular it is in the
best interest of the Club to introduce with immediate effect some
internal rules and guidelines aimed at avoiding further complaints and
eliminate ongoing underlying antagonism."
I'm unsure of the current EBU regulations regarding this sort of thing, but from a moral perspective it seems entirely reasonable for a club to make this sort of internal rule for certain events.
Just as long as the club doesn't issue any master points for those events.
The club does issue master points at all sessions.

I think the issue over bidding systems has partly come about because one
or two pairs were playing a multi 2 but one of the weak options was the
standard 5-9HCP, 6 card major, but could also be something like 0-3HCP
with a seven card suit. I can't remember what the rest of the multi
options were but it was the sort of thing that was deemed difficult for
the typical player at that club to defend against, to the point of being
antagonistic (it wasn't like a bog standard multi 2D).

Anyway, it comes down to either accepting it or don't play at that club.
I won't say any more as I'm beginning to feel I have hijacked the OPs
Kenny McCormack
2017-02-07 03:04:37 UTC
In article <***@giganews.com>,

Note, BTW, that, on the subject of BBO, that BBO stopped working,
presumably permanently, sometime today.
The key difference between faith and science is that in science, evidence that
doesn't fit the theory tends to weaken the theory (that is, make it less likely to
be believed), whereas in faith, contrary evidence just makes faith stronger (on
the assumption that Satan is testing you - trying to make you abandon your faith).
David Goldfarb
2017-02-07 03:14:25 UTC
Post by Kenny McCormack
Note, BTW, that, on the subject of BBO, that BBO stopped working,
presumably permanently, sometime today.
Having just finished playing two ACBL Speedball sessions, I'll say
this comes as news to me.

If you're making some kind of joke, it certainly went right over my head.
David Goldfarb |"I want instant gratification -- and I'm
***@gmail.com | willing to wait for it."
***@ocf.berkeley.edu | -- Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Lorne Anderson
2017-02-03 01:14:47 UTC
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Your auction does not surprise me and as you can see from my earlier
post I suspected that is what you did. However I disagree with the bid
against serious oppo - firstly they may have methods like I described
earlier that give them room to make a slam try without going past game
when such is not vailable if you just raise. Also I think there is a
much better method available for 3N as follows:

3N = 2-way, either strong or wanting to sacrifice but unable to go to
the 5 level unless partner has a proper opening with 7 trumps and some
trump strength. Obviously you alert in most countries.

If oppo bid over it opener doubles with a sensible hand and passes with
a poor hand. You then double if 3N was real but pass or bid 5H as
appropriate when it was to find out about sacrificing.

If oppo double partner passes with a bad hand and redoubles with a good
one so you can judge between pass, 4H and 5H.

If you like your partners to operate being able to ask if they have a
real bid or something comical is very useful whereas psyching 3N seldom
works against anybody who knows what they are doing and can have downsides.
2017-02-04 01:05:10 UTC
Post by Lorne Anderson
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Your auction does not surprise me and as you can see from my earlier
post I suspected that is what you did. However I disagree with the bid
against serious oppo - firstly they may have methods like I described
earlier that give them room to make a slam try without going past game
when such is not vailable if you just raise. Also I think there is a
3N = 2-way, either strong or wanting to sacrifice but unable to go to
the 5 level unless partner has a proper opening with 7 trumps and some
trump strength. Obviously you alert in most countries.
If oppo bid over it opener doubles with a sensible hand and passes with
a poor hand. You then double if 3N was real but pass or bid 5H as
appropriate when it was to find out about sacrificing.
If oppo double partner passes with a bad hand and redoubles with a good
one so you can judge between pass, 4H and 5H.
If you like your partners to operate being able to ask if they have a
real bid or something comical is very useful whereas psyching 3N seldom
works against anybody who knows what they are doing and can have downsides.
Lorne, actually I have seen this type of tactic work against strong players on a number of occasions. It often provokes a "frustration double". Funnily enough I played with Doug once against a pair of weak lols. Doug opened 2H, next hand x I bid 2S with a dbt S and a H fit and next hand bid 4S. End of story. Doug laughed himself sick.
I disagree Frances. I have seen this work on very strong opponents.
2017-02-04 21:56:08 UTC
Post by Player
Post by Lorne Anderson
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Your auction does not surprise me and as you can see from my earlier
post I suspected that is what you did. However I disagree with the bid
against serious oppo - firstly they may have methods like I described
earlier that give them room to make a slam try without going past game
when such is not vailable if you just raise. Also I think there is a
3N = 2-way, either strong or wanting to sacrifice but unable to go to
the 5 level unless partner has a proper opening with 7 trumps and some
trump strength. Obviously you alert in most countries.
If oppo bid over it opener doubles with a sensible hand and passes with
a poor hand. You then double if 3N was real but pass or bid 5H as
appropriate when it was to find out about sacrificing.
If oppo double partner passes with a bad hand and redoubles with a good
one so you can judge between pass, 4H and 5H.
If you like your partners to operate being able to ask if they have a
real bid or something comical is very useful whereas psyching 3N seldom
works against anybody who knows what they are doing and can have downsides.
Lorne, actually I have seen this type of tactic work against strong players on a number of occasions. It often provokes a "frustration double". Funnily enough I played with Doug once against a pair of weak lols. Doug opened 2H, next hand x I bid 2S with a dbt S and a H fit and next hand bid 4S. End of story. Doug laughed himself sick.
I disagree Frances. I have seen this work on very strong opponents.
3NT doesn't work against strong opponents. DOuble isn't "frustration", it's take-out of opener's suit.

What does work sometimes is an auction such as 3D dbl 4H when 4th seat is playing double as 'responsive'. Some of the world's best don't play penalty doubles here for some bizarre reason.

I've been -450 the hard way after 2D (weak) P 4H all pass.
2017-02-03 10:12:28 UTC
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Against good opponents it's just a waste of time. You are giving them an extra round of bidding.
2017-02-04 01:03:01 UTC
Post by f***@googlemail.com
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Against good opponents it's just a waste of time. You are giving them an extra round of bidding.
2017-02-04 09:07:35 UTC
Post by f***@googlemail.com
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Against good opponents it's just a waste of time. You are giving them an extra round of bidding.
I wonder how Frances would handle this:

(3H) P (3NT) ?

Bad luck if you pass. Pd had Kxxxx void qxxxx xxx
2017-02-04 09:31:21 UTC
Post by Player
Post by f***@googlemail.com
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Against good opponents it's just a waste of time. You are giving them an extra round of bidding.
(3H) P (3NT) ?
Bad luck if you pass. Pd had Kxxxx void qxxxx xxx
2017-02-04 13:33:50 UTC
Post by Player
Post by f***@googlemail.com
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Against good opponents it's just a waste of time. You are giving them an extra round of bidding.
(3H) P (3NT) ?
Bad luck if you pass. Pd had Kxxxx void qxxxx xxx
I wonder how Player would handle this:

(3H) P (4H) ?

Worse luck if you pass. Pd had Kxxxx void qxxxx xxx

I am at a loss why it is safer to join the party over 4H than over 3NT.
Adam Lea
2017-02-04 17:35:41 UTC
Post by rhm
Post by Player
Post by f***@googlemail.com
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Against good opponents it's just a waste of time. You are giving them an extra round of bidding.
(3H) P (3NT) ?
Bad luck if you pass. Pd had Kxxxx void qxxxx xxx
(3H) P (4H) ?
Worse luck if you pass. Pd had Kxxxx void qxxxx xxx
I am at a loss why it is safer to join the party over 4H than over 3NT.
In other words, whatever method you choose to adopt, there exists a deal
where you wish you were playing something different.
2017-02-04 21:53:20 UTC
Post by Player
Post by f***@googlemail.com
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Against good opponents it's just a waste of time. You are giving them an extra round of bidding.
(3H) P (3NT) ?
Bad luck if you pass. Pd had Kxxxx void qxxxx xxx
Why would I pass? I wouldn't pass a 3H or 4H opening.
Seems close between double (take-out of hearts) and 4S.

Let's change partner's hand slightly and give him Kxx void Axxxx Kxxxx. Do you think it's easier to get to slam after 3H P 4H dbl or 3H P 3NT dbl when you've given responder room to show extra values?
2017-02-06 16:38:43 UTC
- (3H) P (3NT) ?

isn't the same as (3H) X (3NT) ?
Will in New Haven
2017-02-06 04:02:58 UTC
Post by Player
Post by Player
NV vs vul Imps
3H (x) ?
So, what do you bid?
As it was a BBO game, I bid 3NT which was doubled. When the x came back to me, I bid 4D which was also doubled, and finally 4H which was doubled again. 4H was cold, as were 5D and 5S.
I suspect I would have bid the same way in a serious game and am curious if anyone else would have?
Would have? Maybe. I've done similar things in the past. However, it is not my usual thing.
Will now in Pompano Beach
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