Help for low-vision bridge player?
(too old to reply)
2018-08-30 20:41:24 UTC
My 84 year old father had to give up bridge last month
due to severe macular degeneration which has made it
impossible for him to see the dummy's cards. He is an
expert bridge player (has several thousand master points)
and the game has been one of his true passions in life.
Although he is probably capable of memorizing the dummy's
cards if they were read to him, he doesn't want to impose
this upon his partner and opponents. If anyone knows of
a method or device or *anything* which would enable him to
continue to play, I would greatly appreciate hearing your
suggestions. Thank-you.
My mother is in a similar situation and she recently purchased 50 packs of large print cards so that the whole club could use them only to find that they were fractionally too big to fit the bridge boards! I've been looking into this and it does seem that large print cards ( even those that are supposed to be bridge cards) are bigger than standard size; so if anyone knows where I can get either standard sized bridge cards with large print or, larger sized bridge boards.......
Thank Caz
Adam Wildavsky
2018-09-16 02:33:21 UTC
A story on the first page of the Daily Bulletin for the March 2018 NABC is about a player, Harriett Buckman, who uses this visor.


Harriet will be happy to discuss with anyone who’s interested. Email me if you want her contact info.

2018-09-17 09:09:52 UTC
On Sat, 15 Sep 2018 19:33:21 -0700 (PDT), Adam Wildavsky
Post by Adam Wildavsky
A story on the first page of the Daily Bulletin for the March 2018 NABC is about a player, Harriett Buckman, who uses this visor.
Harriet will be happy to discuss with anyone who’s interested. Email me if you want her contact info.
My wife unfortunately has macular degeneration, so I seized the chance
to learn more. No criticism of Adam intended for his posting the
information, but to possibly save others some disappointment, the
bottom line is $10,000.

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Bertel Lund Hansen
2018-09-17 09:13:49 UTC
Post by Brian
My wife unfortunately has macular degeneration, so I seized the chance
to learn more. No criticism of Adam intended for his posting the
information, but to possibly save others some disappointment, the
bottom line is $10,000.
One can hope that the price will fall, and, as the article
mentions, a club or an organisation might be able to invest in
some of these gadgets.
2019-12-16 11:08:00 UTC
Dear All, I am intersted inorgaizing an event in Poland for blind bridge players. I have written an article on it in XI 2019 IBPA Bulletin. Now looking for contacts in other countries. Please, let me know if you think someone would be interested. In Poland we have agroup of 35-40 active bidg players with impaired vision. I am in touch with a group in Netherlands and in Greece. Looking forward to hearing from you, maybe we can create something interersting and helpful. As I am a spokesperson of the Polish Bridge Union, we can count on the Union and paraolympic Committee in Poland, as well as special organzations - such as CROSS and OLIMP - that take care of such players. All my best, Margaret Maruszkin ***@gmail.com