Post by Berti RupsliPost by Douglas NewlandsPost by Douglas NewlandsPost by Douglas NewlandsI play a version of precision with a couple of partners and we would bid it
1C 1D 0-7
1H 19+anyshape
2D 5-7 and 5+H (auction is FG now)
2H asks about shape
2S second suit
Doug: Would you still bid 2S here with the corrected South hand (S:KJ7 only)?
I didn't notice a correction.
2S shows a 4 card suit.
With 3532, the second bid would be 2NT and
the auction would continue as before.
Doug: Thanks for the answer, I found this bidding sequence interesting. The correction was presented before because S2 in the South hand was the 14th card.
In your reply you referred to a 3532, resulting in 2NT (instead of 2S), which goes perfectly with the "balanced" holding.
The "corrected" original situation rather is 3514, with a fairly weak C:T532. So, I'd wonder would the 4c "LENGTH" in C be shown with a 3C bid (even if it were C:6532); or would the WEAK 4cC result in a 2NT bid instead, but wouldn't that "hide" the singleton OTOH? Or would a 3C bid say anything about controls in C?
Clearly I am not keeping up with the corrections.
With 3514, the normal bid would be 3C.
Bidding 2N with 3514 is bending the system and partner will expect
a later 4D cue to be an A or K!
Post by Berti RupsliComing back to the first version of your bidding sequence with ...2S...: would you even bid it as a WEAK 4cS (like eg S:6532)?... So, would Majors receive the same treatment as minors insofar here?
Yes we would bid a weak 4 card major since 2N is a further ask over
a 4 card major e.g.
1C 1D
1H 2D
2H 2S
2N asks about range and shortage. The range part is perhaps
a bit over the top but it keeps the steps exactly like
our jacoby structure so
3C all minimums
3D now insists on hearing about a singleton
bid the shortage or
bid a held suit to deny a singleton
3D not min, no shortage
3H not min, short hearts ie 4153 or 4162
4C not min, club shortage as above
the other bids are used but not relevant here
There are a couple of other wrinkles.
So you see when you have this kind of mechanism embedded in the
bidding structure, you can't lie about shape because suddenly
you might not have a bid on the next round. eg if you show
a 5332, and the relay asks for the doubleton and if you have lied
with a 5431, you are stuffed.
So we also use the 2NT enquiry after sequences like
1C 1S
2C 2H
2N and responder can even show a shortage in your first suit.
It's not a full relay system with full shape resolution
but it gives you some of the features while allowing plenty of
natural auctions.