Post by Adam LeaKJ9
Game all, you are playing 5 card, majors, 15-17 NT, nothing sophisticated.
After a pass on your left you open 1H. Partner responds 1S. What do you
bid now?
16-18 total points, a good 6-card suit and good 3-card
support for partner is sometimes called the Bridge
World Death Hand, because experts have come up with
no good answer to your question using standard
methods in Bridge World bidding contests.
The situation is complicated here by the fact that
the 18 total points include all working cards, but
only one ace, making it a very good but dangerous
In my regular methods I will rebid 2C which is
forcing, promises a fragment or better, and gets
a spade rebid when partner holds 5+ spades.
Playing standard methods at match points I
rebid a mild 2S hoping partner will bid on
with a good hand and that many of the field
will get into trouble when partner has a bad
hand. Perhaps at IMP's 3C is correct, getting
us to the right strain if game exists. But,
if the partnership lacks a clear understanding
after 3C, 2S may still be the right call.