Post by a*** by a*** by Bruce EvansThe unsoundness of the 2C overcall is shown by 5 card support (worth
4 or 5 tricks -- 2 for covering spade losers and 2 or 3 for covering
trump losers) not being enough to make 3C.
If you think that overcall is unsound, you should see the much worse
one she got against her which nailed her a near bottom.
A near top?
Post by a*** by a*** E S W
Making nine tricks thanks to DJTxx opposite, a 2-2 break, and three
honor cards onside. The room is in 1NT by East, all but one making.
This just about sums up Horsham bridge club, there are several people
who bid on garbage and get rewarded for it, which can put a dent in your
That's not an overcall, it's protection. Opponents have stopped in 1NT
so they have about 23 max so you are entitled to play partner for 10.
It's also good tactics to get them out of 1NT and it's not rubber when
you have to pay money for mistakes or teams where you want to avoid
losing the match on a part-score hand. It's matchpoints where it's only
a bottom so get right into them!
This is an obvious enough 2D protect especially in a club setting where
they won't double. If you were NV, it would be a very distinct mistake
not to do it.
Remember, the game is not about making contracts, it is about
manipulating the number which is going on the score sheet.
Also, since 2D found a fit and both sides apparently have about 20
HCP, it was an error to not protect over it. Both opener and responder
have only 2 diamonds, so have ideal shape for a takeout double. Since
2D was in balancing position, opener is not in balancing position, so
it is a bit risky but possibly right to make a takeout double (and
certainly too risky to bid a 4 card major or 5 card club suit). Then
partner is in balancing position and has an easy takeout double with
about 6+ HCP, or should bid a 4 card major if not playing takeout
This should be just the start of the auction. The opponents have a 9
card fit and should normally bid 3D over your 2 of a major or 2C (they
probably should have bid it on the previous round to make it harder
for you). Advancer apparently has about 13 HCP to go with 4 card
support, so should expect to make 3D, but wouldn't be so sure about
defending 2 of a major doubled for a larger plus score). Since their
fit is 9 cards, it might be right to protect again over 3D, but 3 of
a major is probably too high, so you now have to decide whether to
double for penalties (and agree if further doubles are for penalties).
If the field is not too bad, then I think it is right to double if
you have at least 20 HCP. This is close, so only double for penalties
if you are sure that you have more than 20 HCP, or good defense.