Post by Douglas NewlandsPost by ais523Post by Lorne(1D) P (2D) 2S
(P) ?
Oppo playing natural methods with weak NT so 1D promises 4 if 15+ points
but usually 5 if weaker unless 4441 shape, 2D promises 4+ and 5-9 pts,
It's always worth thinking about whether there's a bid or not, but in
this case I don't think there is. You're unlikely to have the balance of
points, and there's a high risk of a misfit given your four diamonds, so
You have 4 diamonds so partner has 0 or 1 so surely this means your
cards are more likely to be well placed rather than being a misfit.
If both you and your partner had short diamonds, then a fit in one of
the other suits would be almost certain, making hearts and clubs
more worth exploring. With some of your cards "wasted" in diamonds, the
odds of a fit in an unbid suit are smaller.
Post by Douglas NewlandsPost by ais523you really don't want to go any higher than 2S. Partner's likely to
have a decent spade suit, so you can tolerate playing in the probable
5:2 fit.
You may overcall with 5 spades here but most of us like 6 with a passed
partner and an unlimited opener lurking.
I was picturing something like AKJxx, i.e. a suit that might not
necessarily be more than 5 cards but is strong enough to hold its own
even if the partner doesn't have much to help it.
Post by Douglas NewlandsPost by ais523It's certainly /possible/ that 3H or even 4H or 4S is the right contract
to play in, but the odds aren't high enough to be worth bidding it
(and if your partner had both majors they'd have been more likely to
double than to bid spades).
Besides, if you were bidding, what would you bid? In many systems, 3H
would be forcing, or at least stronger than what you have here, and 2N
You have already passed so you can't have values and 5 hearts so this is
a stopper trying for 3N?
Shape-showing looking for a better contract, either 3N or 4H. I'd
expect it to show more like 10 points than 6, though.
Post by Douglas NewlandsPost by ais523would show a diamond stop. Both 3D and 2N could potentially have
conventional meanings (there's a system I'm working on in which 2N
would ask partner to bid hearts or clubs if they had them and otherwise
return to 3S), and if there's one that fit the hand I might be tempted,
but probably not; the odds of an extra undertrick are probably higher
than the odds of improving the contract.
It's imps so an extra undertrick is not a great concern as long as there
is no double.
I missed that it was imps (my brain was in matchhpoint mode). In that
case, if you have a suitable bid for showing this sort of hand, it's
probably worth using. (That said, at imps, the focus is now on trying to
find a game, rather than trying to find the right suit. In a partscore
hand at imps, being in any remotely playable suit is sufficient, as
there won't be a large score swing for finding the right one unless
you get doubled in the wrong one. So if we think game's possible, that
might be a reason to bid. If not, it's probably best to shut up in order
to reduce the chance that our bidding makes a misfit apparent to our
opponents and we get doubled in something that goes down 2.)