Post by Dave FlowerMatch points, E/W vu, dealer W
9 6
A 7
5 3
A K Q 10 9 6 2
A K Q 10 9
K Q 10 9 4 2
1C pass 2H 3D
3H pass 4NT pass
5H pass 6H all pass
Opening lead C3
Those hands actually look like a terrible misfit. You have only two
entries to West's hand: the club entry is destroyed by the opening lead,
and the heart entry is in trumps and thus it'll be used up upon drawing
the second round of trumps. There's a possible further entry in spades,
but because you've given both East and West the 9 of spades it's going
to be hard to tell. Could you fix that?
Anyway, the opening lead is pretty worrying (with standard leads, it can
only be a singleton, meaning that only one club trick is possible unless
W can somehow get the lead while S is out of trumps). If there isn't an
additional entry to W's hand, the only possible path to twelve tricks
would be 1 club, 6 hearts, 5 spades. The best combination of chances
appears to be to win trick 1 anywhere, King of Hearts, Ace of Spades,
Ace of Hearts; if South shows out then start running the clubs until
North ruffs (discarding first diamonds and then, if it gets that far,
spades), and then overruff in East's hand; if neither player shows out
then take the spade finesse then drop the Jack of Hearts and run your
heart and spade tricks; if North shows out it's probably hopeless.
(The spade finesse is quite likely to work here, because South showed
length in diamonds, and it's clearly a better chance than playing for
spades 3:3.)
That strategy seems to work for any trump break except those where South
has 4+ trumps, but requires the spade finesse to be on if trumps split
3:2. I can't immediately see a way to do better than that.
(On a side note, I disapprove of West supporting hearts so readily when
the clubs are that good; 6C would have been laydown, making 7 clubs, 3
hearts, 3 spades, and the only potential trick for the defence being
the Ace of Diamonds at trick 1. It's normally really bad for trumps to
be a suit in which the weaker hand is short and has an entry, because
it typically prevents you being able to draw trumps, so West's Ace of
Hearts should have lead West to try hard to find a trump suit other
than hearts. Unfortunately, the 3D intervention was likely at too high
a level to allow for a scientific auction; now I wonder whether South
would have overcalled only 2D if they didn't know that East had a
game-forcing hand, in which case there might have been space for West
to establish just how good the clubs were. Even in the actual auction,
I might have considered 5C with West's hand, and would definitely bid 4C
if it were defined as forcing in the system in use. West should be
happy to play in clubs even if East has a void.)