Partscore battle or game?
(too old to reply)
Howard Wachtel
2020-06-27 13:05:38 UTC
Matchpoints, none vul., East is dealer.

North: KT863-43-874-T72
East: J-QJ9875-Q32-KQJ
South: AQ974-A6-AT9-643
West: 52-KT2-KJ65-A985

After East opens 1H, and South overcalls 1S, how should the auction continue from there? What is the most likely contract? Thank you.

Howard Wachtel
Co Wiersma
2020-06-27 14:04:12 UTC
Post by Howard Wachtel
Matchpoints, none vul., East is dealer.
North: KT863-43-874-T72
East: J-QJ9875-Q32-KQJ
South: AQ974-A6-AT9-643
West: 52-KT2-KJ65-A985
After East opens 1H, and South overcalls 1S, how should the auction continue from there? What is the most likely contract? Thank you.
Howard Wachtel
Well West's bid depends greatly on system. If 1H show 5, then West
should show a limit raise. If 1H show 4+ then west probably will give a
negative double.
It greatly depends on the aggressiveness of North on weather East-West
will reach game.

Co Wiersma
